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MU-TCM face-milling dataset
(2025) -
Comparison of Motor Imagery Brain Computer Interfaces and Validation with the OpenBCI EEG Electrode Cap
(Springer Nature, 2025)People with Tetraplegia will typically require costly, round-the-clock care over the course of their lives due to lack of motor function. Brain computer interfaces (BCIs) are capable of identifying imagined motor intention ... -
Data-driven glass viscosity soft sensor development and validation in a glass container manufacturing line
(Elsevier, 2025)Viscosity plays a key role in glass container manufacturing, directly impacting product quality and consistency. To date, online measuring of this property during the glass manufacturing process has been both difficult and ... -
Sustainable development goals (SDGs) through business models: a bibliometric and content analysis
(Emerald, 2025)Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to examine the overall state and trends of the SDGs concerning business model backgrounds. Since the adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development by the United Nations ...