Now showing items 31-40 of 338
Perceived Effectiveness of Established and Innovative Media Accountability Instruments in Spain. Comparative Analysis in Andalusia, Euskadi, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid and Valencia
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2020)
The perceived effectiveness of established and innovative media accountability instruments is analyzed in Andalusia, Euskadi, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid and Valencia, and by means of a survey conducted among journalists, ...
Mirande eta Gandiaga, sinesmen eredu bi
(Jakin Fundazioa, 2020)
Pertsona burujabea Arizmendiarrietaren asmoan eta egitean
(Jakin Fundazioa, 2020)
Arizmendiarrietaren pentsaeran eta jokabidean pertsona burujabea gai zentrala da. Ideia hori ulertzeko argibideak ematen dira, Azurmendik gizakiaren historiaz eta moralaz irakatsitakoak bidelagun hartuta.
Autoeraketaren pentsamendua kapitalismo osteko agertokietara begira
(Jakin Fundazioa, 2020)
Pertsona kooperatiboaren profilaren neurketa hezkuntza eta jendarte eraldaketa testuinguruan
(Jakin Fundazioa, 2020)
Dynamic Multilevel Workflow Management Concept for Industrial IoT Systems
(IEEE, 2020)
Workflow management is implemented in manufacturing at many levels. The nature of processes variesat each level, hindering the use of a standard modeling orimplementation solution. The creation of a flexible ...
High-involvement HRM, job satisfaction and productivity: a two-wave longitudinal study of a Spanish retail company
(John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 2020)
The strategic human resource management literature lacks longitudinal studies, and the causal associations between human resource management (HRM) and organisational performance (OP) remain underexplored. We tested ...
Crystal-plasticity-finite-element modeling of the dynamic response of a directionally solidified nickel-based superalloy
The flow stress behaviour of a directionally solidified nickel-base superalloy,MAR-M247, is presented through the combination of experiments and crystal-plasticity simulations.The experimental campaign ...
Surface integrity of additive manufacturing parts: a comparison between optical topography measuring techniques
(Elsevier B.V., 2020)
Additive Manufacturing (AM) presents significant industry-specific advantages allowing the creation of complex geometries and internal features that cannot be produced using conventional manufacturing processes. However, ...