eBiltegia - Mondragon Unibertsitateko biltegi digitala
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Biltegi digitalak unibertsitatean jarduera akademiko, ikertzaile eta instituzionalaren emaitza gisa sortutako dokumentuen testu osoa eskuratzeko aukera ematen du. Bere helburua da unibertsitateko ekoizpen zientifiko eta akademikoari ikusgarritasun handiagoa ematea, haren eragina handitzea eta haren babesa ziurtatzea, erakundearen Sarbide Irekiko politikak betez:
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Komunitateak eBiltegian
Erantsitako azken lanak
A hybrid probabilistic battery health management approach for robust inspection drone operations
(Elsevier, 2025)Monitoring the health of remote critical infrastructure poses significant challenges due to limited accessibility and harsh operational environments. Inspection drones are ubiquitous assets that enhance the reliability of ... -
The economic and environmental impact of limiting air routes where there is a rail alternative: a case study of Spain
(Springer, 2025)The current Spanish government pact includes a measure aimed at restricting domestic flights on routes where a rail alternative is available with a duration of less than 2.5 h. This measure aligns with similar initiatives ... -
A virtual design methodology to improve the dynamics and productivity of large milling tools
(Elsevier, 2025)Large cutting tools are widely used in sectors such as automotive, where complex shape aluminium components are machined at high cutting speeds, in a single clamping and in short cycle times with elevated Material Removal ... -
The conceptualization of the dimensionality of corporate communication management: a systematic literature review
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2024)Purpose This paper aims to develop a conceptual framework for comprehending and identifying the dimensions of corporate communication management (CCM) over time. To achieve this objective, it synthesizes existing research ... -
Impact of joint venture on its partner company’s performance: a systematic literature review
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2025)Purpose This paper aims to identify the variables to measure the impact of the joint venture (JV) on the performance of its partner companies, considering all performance dimensions studied in the literature. Design/ ...