Browsing by Author "6be31b94ce5b446568e437879b45f284"
Now showing items 1-16 of 16
Addressing the Patient Experience through Human-Centred Design: A Scoping Review
Garcia-Lopez, Maitane; Val, Ester; Iriarte, Ion; Gonzalez-de-Heredia, Arantxa (Ubiquity Press, 2023) -
Aesthetic interaction consistency: exploring the foundation for static and dynamic aesthetics
Gonzalez Ochoantesana, Itsaso; Val, Ester; Justel Lozano, Daniel; Iriarte, Ion; Lasa, Ganix (The Design Society, 2018)Aesthetics is a powerful means for creating consistency across a product range. During the design process consistency is subject to risk. The existing tools do not integrate static as well as dynamic approaches. This paper ... -
Clasificación de las herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas para proyectos socio-sanitarios
Garcia-Lopez, Maitane; Val, Ester; Olarte Rodríguez, Raquel; González Zubiaurre, Marina (AEIPRO, 2019)Las herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas nos ayudan a entender mejor al usuario que estamos analizando y así, poder dar soluciones pensadas en el usuario para problemas reales. En el contexto ... -
Closing the Brand Gap through innovation and design
Gonzalez Ochoantesana, Itsaso; Val, Ester; Justel Lozano, Daniel; Iriarte, Ion (Elsevier B.V., 2016)Existing brands already have certain products and services that generate a particular experience in the mindof custome.However, distortions exist between what the brands what to communicate and ... -
A Design Thinking approach to introduce entrepreneurship education in European school curricula
Val, Ester; Gonzalez Ochoantesana, Itsaso; Iriarte, Ion; Beitia, Amaia; Lasa, Ganix; Elkoro De Tena, Maite (Taylor & Francis, 2017)Design Thinking is visualized as the central strategy to promote entrepreneurial skills in European schools. Europe needs future generations to be more entrepreneurial in their attitudes to achieve a strong position in the ... -
Estudio sobre la primera fase del proceso de desarrollo de nuevos productos o Fuzzy front end de la innovación: propuesta de un modelo y análisis de uso de herramientas, métodos y técnicas
Val, Ester (Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2009)This doctoral thesis deals with the first stage of New Product Development Process, also known as the Fuzzy Front End of innovation, and analyses two specific aspects related to this stage. On the one hand, this research ... -
A Framework For Product Design Based On Semantic Attribution Process
Gonzalez Ochoantesana, Itsaso; Iriarte, Ion; Justel Lozano, Daniel; Val, Ester (Taylor & Francis, 2017)Existing brands already have certain products that generate a particular experience in customer minds. Every time a customer’s interacts with of brand’s products and related touchpoints, the customer form an idea about the ... -
Gaining patient experience insights: An integrated and multi-levelled framework of information
Garcia-Lopez, Maitane; Val, Ester; Iriarte, Ion; Olarte Rodríguez, Raquel (Academy for Design Innovation Management (ADIM), 2019)Taking patient experience as a basis, this paper introduces a theoretical framework, to capture insights leading to new technological healthcare solutions. Targeting a recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes ... -
How can Design Thinking promote entrepreneurship in young people?
Val, Ester; Gonzalez Ochoantesana, Itsaso; Lauroba, Nagore; Beitia, Amaia (Routledge, 2019)Design Thinking has the potential to promote entrepreneurial competencies in European schools. This paper presents an Educational Programme based on Design Thinking and its empirical application in the curricula in four ... -
The influence of adapted interactive environments in current industrial interfaces aceptance
Mazmela Etxabe, Maitane; Lasa, Ganix; Aranburu, Erik; Gonzalez Ochoantesana, Itsaso; Val, Ester (AEIPRO, 2018)User experience is a growing field of research, which in recent years has gained considerable interest. During the last two decades, various models have been proposed to understand why users accept technologies ... -
Integrando las dimensiones de la experiencia de paciente en proyectos de diseño centrado en las personas
Garcia-Lopez, Maitane; González de Heredia López de Sabando, Arantxa; Val, Ester; Iriarte, Ion (AEIPRO, 2020)Diversas investigaciones apuntan que una eXperiencia de Paciente (PX) positiva mejora los resultados de salud y la rentabilidad de los centros médicos. Uno de los enfoques utilizados para mejorar la PX es el diseño centrado ... -
Metodología PER: integración de la experiencia de paciente en el diseño de servicios asistenciales a través del diseño centrado en las personas
Garcia-Lopez, Maitane (Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2023)La experiencia del paciente se está convirtiendo en un determinante fundamental de la calidad de los servicios asistenciales para mejorar la atención centrada en el paciente. La importancia de la experiencia del paciente ... -
A New Method to Evaluate Good Design for Brand Recognition in the Digital World
Gonzalez Ochoantesana, Itsaso; Val, Ester; Justel Lozano, Daniel; Iriarte, Ion; Lasa, Ganix (Routledge, 2019)Visual aesthetics has become a crucial element in strengthening brand experience. In the digital era, however, designers need to approach aesthetics from a holistic standpoint where both traditional and more modern ... -
Revisión Crítica del Uso del Patient Journey Map en el Diseño Centrado en las Personas
Garcia-Lopez, Maitane; Val, Ester; Iriarte, Ion; Gonzalez-de-Heredia, Arantxa (AEIPRO, 2021)Recent studies indicate that a positive Patient eXperience (PX) leads to a faster patient recovery, greater safety and lower costs for the healthcare system. Therefore, PX design is fundamental for hospitals service delivery. ... -
Service design for servilization. University-business collaboration case studies in Basque manufacturing companies
Iriarte, Ion; Justel Lozano, Daniel; Val, Ester; Gonzalez Ochoantesana, Itsaso; Alberdi Álvaro, Alazne (Portal Universia, S.A., 2016) -
Service design visualization tools for supporting servitization in a machine tool manufacturer
Iriarte, Ion; Val, Ester; Justel Lozano, Daniel (Elsevier Ltd, 2018)