eBiltegia - Digital repository of Mondragon Unibertsitatea
The Digital Repository of Mondragon Unibertsitatea provides you with full text access to the documents produced by the university as a result of its academic, research and institutional activity. Its purpose is to increase the visibility of University´s scientific and teaching production, to spread its impact and to assure its preservation, complying with the institution's Open Access policies:
You will find doctoral theses, bachelor and master thesis, teaching materials, university publications, working documents, preprints, postprints, articles, conference proceedings, data sets, institutional documents, etc.
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(2024) -
Prediction of the maximum tooth root stress for fatigue analysis of highly crowned spherical gear couplings working at high misaligned conditions
(Elsevier, 2024)Spherical gear couplings efficiently transfer power between highly misaligned rotating shafts, featuring high longitudinal crowning in their design. At high misalignment angles, the contact point shifts across the face ... -
Monitorización de estado de la herramienta en mecanizado mediante redes neuronales residuales robustas
(Cluster for Advanced & Digital Manufacturing, 2023)La monitorización del estado de la herramienta (TCM) tiene como objetivo mejorar la eficiencia del proceso, la calidad y los costos de mantenimiento de las herramientas mediante la supervisión de variables críticas como ... -
Paneles fabricados mediante curado UV de prepregs fuera de autoclave reforzados con perfiles de pultrusión UV
(Scipedia, 2023)Los materiales compuestos, gracias a sus elevadas propiedades específicas, buena resistencia a la corrosión y libertad de diseño, están en la agenda estratégica de muchos sectores de gran valor añadido como la aeronáutica, ... -
Documentary analysis of primary education curricula for the development of entrepreneurship: competences and active methodologies
(Allied Business Academies, 2022)Entrepreneurial competence is a key competence for personal development, social inclusion and active citizenship. It is important that primary school teachers develop this competence and that it is therefore included in ...