Values Perspective for a Sustainable Business Model DesignVersión
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Mondragon UnibertsitateaPalabras clave
extended abstractsTHEME 4: Exploring theoretical and methodological foundations
While these views might reflect differences in research focus, they emphasize aspects of the ecosystem that overlap in the real world. It is broadly agreed that ecosystems require providers of complem ... [+]
While these views might reflect differences in research focus, they emphasize aspects of the ecosystem that overlap in the real world. It is broadly agreed that ecosystems require providers of complementary innovations, products, or services, who might belong to different industries and need not be bound by contractual arrangements—but have significant interdependence nonetheless. In this sense, ecosystems do not fit into the classical firm-supplier relationship, Porter’s (1980) value system, or a firm’s strategic networks; neither are they integrated hierarchies. (Jacobides et al., 2018) [-]
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