• DC versus AC in residential buildings: efficiency comparison 

      Goikoetxea, Ander; Canales, Jose Maria (IEEE, 2013)
      DC energy solutions are gaining interest in recent years, due to improvements in power electronics. Some companies have developed solutions for the domestic implementation of DC power systems. This article analyzes the ...
    • Feeder mapping and load flow algorithms for LV distribution grids 

      Goikoetxea, Ander; Alacano, Argiñe; Alberdi Esuain, Borja (IEEE, 2021)
      With the advent of the electric vehicle, distributed generation and other emerging technologies such as heat pumps, the complexity and uncertainty of LV Distribution Networks (LVDNs) is increasing. Advanced Metering ...
    • PEM motako erregai-pilen zenbakizko analisia eta balioztatze esperimentala 

      Arotzena Lopez, Aitor; Oca, Laura; Goikoetxea, Ander; Berasategi Arostegi, Joanes (Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2023)
      Gaur egungo aldaketa klimatikoa dela medio, energia elektrikoa lortzeko alternatiba berri ugari sortzen ari dira. Horien artean erregai-pilek abantaila suposatzen dute hainbat esparrutan. Ikerketa honetan gaur egun garapen ...