Conferences - Engineering
Recent Submissions
Case study in Health industry for early stage innovation
(2015)This paper outlines a Technology Foresight (TF) process, an ICT platform to support it and their validation in a case study. TF is a systematic and participative process, based on the accumulation of intelligence which ... -
An Interactive Game-based Learning Framework with a Social Robot to Promote Well-being of Dyslexic Children
(2023)This paper presents the preliminary design and development of a generalized Child-Robot-Interaction framework involving interactive game-play between the socially assistive robot NAO and children with varying types of ... -
Experimental evaluation of the maximal force before debonding a part from the build platform of an AM printer
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024)Hybrid manufacturing relies on the combination of different processes to overcome their own limitations. Combining additive manufacturing such as material extrusion (MEX) and subtractive conventional processes such as ... -
Numerical simulation of milling operations on flexible composite parts
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024)Fiber-reinforced polymers (FRPs) are a widely used and growing material in industry, thanks to their excellent mechanical properties. Manufactured FRPs parts usually have thin walls. These parts also require finishing ... -
Automation across interconnected smart homes
(ACM, 2024)This paper presents an affordable, open-source approach to enable interconnected smart homes, with emphasis on facilitating new modes of ambient interaction to address loneliness. Our system is designed to minimize dependence ... -
Consideraciones para el uso de interfaces multimodales en entornos sensibles: caso de estudio en el cuidado de las personas mayores
(Interacción 2024, 2024)Este estudio se centra en mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión interna de un centro gerontológico a través de interfaces multimodales, con el propósito de ganar tiempo de valor y fomentar el modelo de la Atención Centrada ... -
Review of Wide Bandgap Materials and their Impact in New Power Devices
(IEEE, 2017)Power electronic converters use semiconductors to satisfy the needs of different applications. Nowadays, these semiconductors are mainly based on Silicon (Si), which can be processed virtually without defects. However, the ... -
Análisis del efecto de shot-peening y el cementado en la vida a fatiga de los engranajes
(Sociedad Española de Integridad Estructural - Grupo Español de Fractura SEIE-GEF, 2023)Debido a sus condiciones de trabajo, la fatiga es uno de los modos de fallo más comunes en los engranajes. A pesar de que habitualmente se emplean diversos tratamientos para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de los mismos, ... -
Necking detection in stretch-bent materials exhibiting the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024)In recent years, there has been increasing societal awareness of the carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint resulting from individual actions and lifestyles. One of the research actions is focused on the development of eco-friendly ... -
Guardianes de la Galaxia: concienciación en Ciberseguridad
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)En este artículo se presenta una iniciativa de formación denominada “Guardianes de la Galaxia”, orientada a concienciar y formar a los participantes en la identificación, detección y prevención de ciberataques de tipo ... -
Reliability simulation of a multi-state Wind Turbine Generator using SHyFTOO
(CalTek, 2022)Accurate reliability analysis modelling requires appropriate stochastic formalisms, which can capture the relevant operation and degradation characteristics of the system under analysis. Physical, working and environmental ... -
Circular business model patterns for wind turbine blades recycling
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) -
Guiding Startups towards Circular Business Models: a multi-criteria evaluation tool
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) -
Combining experimental and FEM approaches to determine the influence of workpiece temperature on fundamental variables in the machining process
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024)In machining it is common practice to use lubricants to enhance machinability, resulting in improved part quality and reduced tool wear. However, emerging efforts are centered on mitigating the environmental impact of ... -
Liminal Spaces and Human-Centred Design (HCD) for Resilient Business Models
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) -
GaN Based Multiphasic Drive for Electric Vehicles
(VDE Verlag, 2023)This paper presents the design of a six-phase two-level Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) using Gallium Nitride (GaN) semiconductors. The proposed topology consists of three full-bridge branches, where the GaN semiconductors ... -
Fatigue and wear in crowned spline couplings
(Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP), 2018) -
Influence of thermal distortion on load distribution, transmission error and premature contact
(INSA, 2018)The influence of thermally-induced geometry distortions on representative gear parameters such as load distribution or transmission error is analysed. An analytical load distribution model is coupled to a thermal ... -
Modelizado bidimensional de engranajes cilíndricos por elementos finitos
(UNED, 2018)El análisis de la distribución de carga, rigidez y error de transmisión de engranajes cilíndricos es fundamental para predecir los efectos de la geometría del dentado sobre las vibraciones, resistencia y eficiencia. El uso ...