Circular Economy Through Living CommunityAuthor (from another institution)
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© 2024 The AuthorsAccess
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Mondragon UnibertsitateaKeywords
business models
circular economy
paradigmatic approach
community perspectives ... [+]
circular economy
paradigmatic approach
community perspectives ... [+]
business models
circular economy
paradigmatic approach
community perspectives
sociological nature
full papers
THEME 4: Exploring theoretical and methodological foundations [-]
circular economy
paradigmatic approach
community perspectives
sociological nature
full papers
THEME 4: Exploring theoretical and methodological foundations [-]
This paper presents findings on the paradigmatic nature of business model development emerging from embedded, transdisciplinary research in a primarily linear economic context in the Netherlands. Refl ... [+]
This paper presents findings on the paradigmatic nature of business model development emerging from embedded, transdisciplinary research in a primarily linear economic context in the Netherlands. Reflecting on the author’s critical ethnographic inputs from long-term operational research in a circular economic context and the sociological nature of community, new theory is proposed showing the paradigmatic matching of individuals and conglomerates with a linear economic outlook and persons and communities with a circular economic outlook. This research concludes that business models for a circular economy should be based on community perspectives, rather than individual outlooks, and presents an example showing what this could mean. [-]
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