Lanbai 2013Lanbai 2013
Lanbai 2013
Argitalpen data
Mondragon UnibertsitateaGako-hitzak
Mondragon Unibertsitateko I Enplegu eta Formazio Azoka. MONDRAGON Korporazioaren babesletzarekin eta interesa duten pertsona guztientzat irekia
I Feria de Empleo y Formación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea con la colaboración de la Corporación MONDRAGON y abierta a todas las personas interesadas en la misma.
I Feria de Empleo y Formación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea con la colaboración de la Corporación MONDRAGON y abierta a todas las personas interesadas en la misma.
On 6 June Mondragon University in cooperation with the MONDRAGON Corporation will celebrate its I Job and Training Fair.
This fair will open in Mondragon in the building of the Higher Polytechnic Col ... [+]
On 6 June Mondragon University in cooperation with the MONDRAGON Corporation will celebrate its I Job and Training Fair.
This fair will open in Mondragon in the building of the Higher Polytechnic College in the technology park Polo de Innovacion Garaia from 3pm to 7pm.
The fair, in addition to being intended for students and alumni of Mondragon University, is open to all people interested in employment and training. [-]
Beste batzuk
Beste batzuk
Sarbide irekiaLaburpena
Mondragon Unibertsitateko I Enplegu eta Formazio Azoka. MONDRAGON Korporazioaren babesletzarekin eta interesa duten pertsona guztientzat irekia I Feria de Empleo y Formación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea con la colaboración de la Corporación MONDRAGON y abierta a todas las personas interesadas en la misma. On 6 June Mondragon University in cooperation with the MONDRAGON Corporation will celebrate its I Job and Training Fair.
This fair will open in Mondragon in the building of the Higher Polytechnic College in the technology park Polo de Innovacion Garaia from 3pm to 7pm.
The fair, in addition to being intended for students and alumni of Mondragon University, is open to all people interested in employment and training.
- Albisteak [3153]