Erasmus-exchange encounter 2013Erasmus-exchange encounter 2013
Erasmus-exchange encounter 2013
Fecha de publicación
Mondragon UnibertsitateaPalabras clave
Goi Eskola PoliteknikoaEscuela Politécnica Superior
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Goi Eskola Politeknikora atzerritik etorritako ikasleak eta
datorren ikasturtean mugikortasuna egiteko aukeratuak izan diren ikasleen Erasmus-
Exchange Encounterra ospatu d ... [+]
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Goi Eskola Politeknikora atzerritik etorritako ikasleak eta
datorren ikasturtean mugikortasuna egiteko aukeratuak izan diren ikasleen Erasmus-
Exchange Encounterra ospatu dute. [-]
Alumnos extranjeros de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y los seleccionados para hacer movilidad el curso que viene han celebrado Erasmus- Exchange Encounter.
Exchange students that came to continue with their studies at Mondragon University,
Faculty of Engineering together with students who have been selected to do mobility next academic year celebrated E ... [+]
Exchange students that came to continue with their studies at Mondragon University,
Faculty of Engineering together with students who have been selected to do mobility next academic year celebrated Erasmus-Exchange Encounter. [-]
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Acceso abiertoResumen
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Goi Eskola Politeknikora atzerritik etorritako ikasleak eta
datorren ikasturtean mugikortasuna egiteko aukeratuak izan diren ikasleen Erasmus-
Exchange Encounterra ospatu dute. Alumnos extranjeros de la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea
y los seleccionados para hacer movilidad el curso que viene han celebrado Erasmus-
Exchange Encounter. Exchange students that came to continue with their studies at Mondragon University,
Faculty of Engineering together with students who have been selected to do mobility next academic year celebrated Erasmus-Exchange Encounter.
- Noticias [3153]