• Fatigue and wear in crowned spline couplings 

      Ulacia, Ibai; Arana, Aitor; Iñurritegui-Marroquin, Aurea; Maskariano-Manzano, Julen; Larrañaga Amilibia, Jon (Institute of Physics Publishing (IOP), 2018)
    • Fatigue life prediction of spherical gear couplings 

      Ulacia, Ibai; Larrañaga Amilibia, Jon; Arana, Aitor; Iñurritegui-Marroquin, Aurea; Elizegi Aiertza, Julen (American Gear Manufacturers Association (AGMA), 2018)
      Spherical gear couplings are mechanical components that allow transmitting torque between misaligned shafts by means of equally spaced teeth. For instance, they are used in roll-levelling machines in order to transmit power ...
    • Fear Field: Adaptive constraints for safe environment transitions in Shielded Reinforcement Learning 

      Odriozola Olalde, Haritz; Arana-Arexolaleiba, Nestor (CEUR-WS.org, 2023)
      Shielding methods for Reinforcement Learning agents show potential for safety-critical industrial applications. However, they still lack robustness on nominal safety, a key property for safety control systems. In the case ...
    • Federated Explainability for Network Anomaly Characterization 

      Zurutuza, Urko (ACM, 2023)
      Machine learning (ML) based systems have shown promising results for intrusion detection due to their ability to learn complex patterns. In particular, unsupervised anomaly detection approaches offer practical advantages ...
    • Feeder mapping and load flow algorithms for LV distribution grids 

      Goikoetxea, Ander; Alacano, Argiñe; Alberdi Esuain, Borja (IEEE, 2021)
      With the advent of the electric vehicle, distributed generation and other emerging technologies such as heat pumps, the complexity and uncertainty of LV Distribution Networks (LVDNs) is increasing. Advanced Metering ...
    • Finding correlations between tool life and fundamental dry cutting tests in finishing turning of steel 

      Soler Mallol, Daniel; Aristimuño, Patxi Xabier; ARRAZOLA, PEDRO JOSE; Garay, Ainara (Elsevier, 2015)
      Tool life is usually measured by end tool life tests, however, such experiments are costly and time consuming. Establishing correlation between these tests and shorter and cheaper tests is consequently of great interest. ...
    • Finite Element Prediction of the Tool Wear Influence in Ti6Al4V Machining 

      ARRAZOLA, PEDRO JOSE (Elsevier, 2015)
      Ti6Al4 V is a titanium alloy widely used in the aeronautical industry and machining is often adopted to manufacture it. These parts must satisfy requirements specified by the customer. A crucial characteristic of aircraft ...
    • Fluido magnetikoen portaera magneto-reologiko eta biskoelastikoa 

      Berasategi Arostegi, Joanes; Elejabarrieta, Maria Jesus; Bou-Ali, M. Mounir; Garmendia, Izaro (Mondragon Unibertsitateko Zerbitzu Editoriala, 2012)
      Fluido magnetikoak likido eramaile eta partikula magnetikoez daude osatuta, eta beraien portaera aplikatutako eremu magnetikoaren menpekoa da. Lan honetan, olio mineralez, sufaktante batez, likatzaile batez eta partikula ...
    • Force Prediction Methodology for Complex Shape Broaching 

      Ortiz-de-Zarate, Gorka; Soler Mallol, Daniel; Soriano Moreno, Denis; Madariaga, Aitor; Etxebeste , Mikel; ARRAZOLA, PEDRO JOSE (Elsevier B.V., 2023)
      Broaching is widely used for the manufacturing of complex geometries which requires high dimensional accuracy and surface finishing (e.g., fir tree, dovetail). A software development for force prediction in complex shape ...
    • Gaining patient experience insights: An integrated and multi-levelled framework of information 

      Garcia-Lopez, Maitane; Val, Ester; Iriarte, Ion; Olarte Rodríguez, Raquel (Academy for Design Innovation Management (ADIM), 2019)
      Taking patient experience as a basis, this paper introduces a theoretical framework, to capture insights leading to new technological healthcare solutions. Targeting a recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes ...
    • GaN Based Multiphasic Drive for Electric Vehicles 

      Almandoz, Gaizka (VDE Verlag, 2023)
      This paper presents the design of a six-phase two-level Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) using Gallium Nitride (GaN) semiconductors. The proposed topology consists of three full-bridge branches, where the GaN semiconductors ...
    • Garraio propietateak nahasketa hirutarretan 

      Larrañaga, Miren; Lapeira, Estela; Bou-Ali, M. Mounir (UEU, 2015)
    • Generación virtual de la geometría 3D de acoplamientos dentados abombados 

      Iñurritegui-Marroquin, Aurea; Larrañaga Amilibia, Jon; Arana, Aitor; Ulacia, Ibai; Berganzo Sampedro, Irene; Telleria, Xuban (2021)
      Los modelos analíticos, y cada vez más los numéricos, son herramientas utilizadas para el diseño y dimensionamiento tanto de engranajes como de acoplamientos dentados. Los resultados obtenidos, dependen de la exactitud de ...
    • A general approach to Software Product Line testing 

      Ayerdi, Jon; Arrieta, Aitor; Sagardui, Goiuria (Sistedes: Sociedad de Ingeniería de Software y Tecnologías de Desarrollo de Software, 2019)
      Variability is a central concept in Software Product Lines (SPLs). It has been extensively studied how the SPL paradigm can improve both the efficiency of a company and the quality of products. Nevertheless, this brings ...
    • Generating metamorphic relations for cyber-physical systems with genetic programming: an industrial case study 

      Ayerdi, Jon; Arrieta, Aitor; Sagardui, Goiuria (ACM, 2021)
      One of the major challenges in the verification of complex industrial Cyber-Physical Systems is the difficulty of determining whether a particular system output or behaviour is correct or not, the socalled test oracle ...
    • Genetic Algorithm-based Testing of Industrial Elevators under Passenger Uncertainty 

      Arrieta, Aitor; Sagardui, Goiuria (IEEE, 2021)
      Elevators, as other cyber-physical systems, need to deal with uncertainty during their operation due to several factors such as passengers and hardware. Such uncertainties could affect the quality of service promised by ...
    • Geometric Variability in Parametric 3D Models: Implications for Engineering Design 

      Aranburu, Aritz; Justel Lozano, Daniel (Elsevier, 2022)
      Modern manufacturing companies operate in environments characterized by increasingly shorter development cycles and the need to develop highly customizable products at competitive prices. In this paper, we examine the role ...
    • Geometry optimisation of highly crowned gear couplings working in high misalignment applications to reduce tooth root stresses 

      Iñurritegui-Marroquin, Aurea; Larrañaga Amilibia, Jon; Arana, Aitor; Ulacia, Ibai (EDP Sciences, 2023)
      Crowned gear couplings are mechanical components used to transmit power between misaligned rotating shafts. Their geometry is characterised by a significant longitudinal crowning to accommodate angular misalignment. Recent ...
    • Geruzatzerik gabeko berun-azido bateriak 

      Oca, Laura; Bou-Ali, M. Mounir; Campillo-Robles, Jose Miguel (UEU, 2015)
    • Guardianes de la Galaxia: concienciación en Ciberseguridad 

      Fernández Arrieta, Miguel; Lizarraga Durandegui, Jesús María; Velez de Mendizabal, Iñaki; Rodriguez Ceberio, Antton; Zurutuza, Urko (Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)
      En este artículo se presenta una iniciativa de formación denominada “Guardianes de la Galaxia”, orientada a concienciar y formar a los participantes en la identificación, detección y prevención de ciberataques de tipo ...