Now showing items 1-10 of 43
Implementation of a Reference Architecture for Cyber Physical Systems to support Condition Based Maintenance
This paper presents the implementation of a refer-ence architecture for Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) to supportCondition Based Maintenance (CBM) of industrial assets. The article focuses on describing how the MANTIS ...
The MANTIS Reference Architecture
(River Publishers, 2018)
La importancia de la relación empresa-universidad en la formación del alumno
(Asociación de Enseñantes Universitarios de la Informática (AENUI), 2018)
The Computer Science Engineering Degree includes an in-companytrainingexperience for students with professional assistance from university. Two pro-grams address this initiative objective is the im-provements ...
Success Stories on Real Pilots
(River Publishers, 2018)
Data-driven Workflow Management by utilising BPMN and CPN in IIoT Systems with the Arrowhead Framework
(IEEE, 2019)
Workflow management is realised in manufacturing at the Enterprise- and Production (workstation) levels. The characteristics of business processes in these levels differ enough to prevent the adoption of ...
MDE based IoT Service to enhance the safety of controllers at runtime
(Aachen University, 2019)
One of the challenges for complex IoT software systems is toincrease their safety. A Model Driven Development approach helps in the design and development phase of these systems while runtime checkin gtechniques help to ...
Analysis of technological architectures for the new paradigm of the industry 4.0Análisis de arquitecturas tecnológicas para el nuevo paradigma de la industria 4.0
(DYNA Publishing, 2019)
The present work defines an interoperable and scalable architecture that will allow the servitization of the machine tool sector. ICT and the Internet of Things make possible to interconnect different devices and controllers, ...
MODDALS Methodology for Designing Layered Ontology Structures
(IOS Press, 2020)
Global ontologies include common vocabularies to provide interoperability among different applications. These ontologies require a balance of reusability-usability to minimise the ontology reuse effort in different ...
DABGEO: a Reusable and Usable Global Energy Ontology for the Energy Domain
(Elsevier B.V.Ontology usability, 2020)
The heterogeneity of energy ontologies hinders the interoperability between ontology-based energymanagement applications to perform a large-scale energy management. Thus, there is the need fora global ontology that provides ...