Zerrendatu honen arabera: egilea "Gebhardt, M."
Difusioa, Termodifusioa eta Soret koefizienteak kalkulatzeko erabiltzen diren teknika desberdinak
Lapeira, Estela; Bou-Ali, M. Mounir (UEU, 2015) -
Transport properties of the binary mixtures of the three organic liquids toluene, methanol, and cyclohexane
Lapeira, Estela; Bou-Ali, M. Mounir (AIP Publishing, 2017)We report on the measurements of diffusion (D), thermodiffusion (DT), and Soret (ST) coefficients in binary pairs of the ternary system toluene-methanol-cyclohexane using different instrumental techniques: microgravity ...