eBiltegia: Recent submissions
Now showing items 41-60 of 5119
Fabrikazio mekanizatuaren erronkak
(ETB - Elhuyar, 2023) -
(ETB - Elhuyar, 2007) -
A structured process framework for digital servitization
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) -
HEFT emotor design for A+B segment
(2024) -
Piloting Innovative forms of Nature-Based Learning in Business Schools
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024)This research explores the potential for nature-based learning in fostering regenerative capabilities in business education. The goal of the research is exploring how nature-based learning approaches in education can be ... -
Consideraciones para el uso de interfaces multimodales en entornos sensibles: caso de estudio en el cuidado de las personas mayores
(Interacción 2024, 2024)Este estudio se centra en mejorar la eficiencia en la gestión interna de un centro gerontológico a través de interfaces multimodales, con el propósito de ganar tiempo de valor y fomentar el modelo de la Atención Centrada ... -
Review of Wide Bandgap Materials and their Impact in New Power Devices
(IEEE, 2017)Power electronic converters use semiconductors to satisfy the needs of different applications. Nowadays, these semiconductors are mainly based on Silicon (Si), which can be processed virtually without defects. However, the ... -
Simple and Affordable Method for Fast Transient Measurements of SiC Devices
(IEEE, 2020)The measurement of fast voltage and current transients of Silicon Carbide (SiC) devices requires high bandwidth (BW) probes. Commercially available voltage and current probes can be expensive, and, in addition, the delay ... -
Análisis del efecto de shot-peening y el cementado en la vida a fatiga de los engranajes
(Sociedad Española de Integridad Estructural - Grupo Español de Fractura SEIE-GEF, 2023)Debido a sus condiciones de trabajo, la fatiga es uno de los modos de fallo más comunes en los engranajes. A pesar de que habitualmente se emplean diversos tratamientos para mejorar las propiedades mecánicas de los mismos, ... -
Hezkuntzaren ikuspegi sozio-kulturalean oinarritutako ikaste-prozesuen karakterizazioa. Kasu baten azterketa: Arrankudiaga Herri Eskola
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultatea, 2024)Hezkuntzaren arloko ikerketak erakutsi du hainbat eredu didaktiko-metodologiko garatu direla ikaskuntzaren eredu soziokulturalaren printzipioei jarraituz. Lan hau proiektuen inguruan antolatzen diren ikaste irakaste ... -
Una mirada comparativa de la gestión de las crisis en la Unión Europea
(FUNCAS, 2023)Este estudio analiza las respuestas de la Unión Europea a dos crisis económicas: la crisis de deuda soberana y la crisis derivada del COVID-19. Se evidencia un cambio en el enfoque de la UE en la gestión de la ... -
Managers’ assessment of organizational performance. The role of perceived organizational commitment and HPWS in different ownership contexts
(Taylor & Francis, 2023)The purpose of this paper is to examine managers’ perceptions of employee organizational commitment as a key mechanism through which High Performance Work Systems influence organizational performance. Additionally, we ... -
Understanding the characteristics of work that foster workplace well-being in an apprenticeship programme and their effects on apprentices' employability. Exploring the gender moderation effect
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023)This study seeks to show whether workplace experience (WE) in an apprenticeship programme affects the duration of joblessness among recent university graduates and to determine the antecedents that support a workplace ... -
Towards manufacturing robotics accuracy degradation assessment: A vision-based data-driven implementation
(Elsevier, 2021)In this manuscript we report on a vision-based data-driven methodology for industrial robot health assessment. We provide an experimental evidence of the usefulness of our methodology on a system comprised of a 6-axis ... -
Cookies from the Past: Timing Server-Side Request Processing Code for History Sniffing
(ACM, 2020)Cookies were originally introduced as a way to provide state awareness to websites, and are now one of the backbones of the current web. However, their use is not limited to store the login information or to save the current ... -
Necking detection in stretch-bent materials exhibiting the Portevin-Le Chatelier effect
(Materials Research Forum LLC, 2024)In recent years, there has been increasing societal awareness of the carbon dioxide (CO2) footprint resulting from individual actions and lifestyles. One of the research actions is focused on the development of eco-friendly ... -
La investigación en economía social y género: una respuesta al gran reto de la igualdad
(Instituto Universitario de Economía Social, Cooperativismo y Emprendimiento (IUDESCOOP) y CIRIEC-España, 2023) -
Guardianes de la Galaxia: concienciación en Ciberseguridad
(Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)En este artículo se presenta una iniciativa de formación denominada “Guardianes de la Galaxia”, orientada a concienciar y formar a los participantes en la identificación, detección y prevención de ciberataques de tipo ... -
Reliability simulation of a multi-state Wind Turbine Generator using SHyFTOO
(CalTek, 2022)Accurate reliability analysis modelling requires appropriate stochastic formalisms, which can capture the relevant operation and degradation characteristics of the system under analysis. Physical, working and environmental ... -
¿En qué medida ayudan los estados de información no financiera a medir la aportación a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de las empresas? El caso de las empresas de Gipuzkoa.
(Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU), 2024-01-11)Las grandes empresas españolas están obligadas a presentar Estados de Información No Financieros (EINF) desde la publicación de la Ley 11/2018. Estos informes recogen información relevante sobre el nivel de sostenibilidad ...