Gamification and discovery learning: Motivating and involving students in the learning processBertsioa
Bertsio argitaratua
© 2023 The AuthorsSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e13135Non argitaratua
Helyion Vol. 9. N. 1. N. artículo e13135Argitaratzailea
GamificationDiscovery learning
ODS 4 Educación de calidad
The widespread use of new technologies by students has forced universities to include active methodologies in their pedagogy. This process has accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, introducing inn ... [+]
The widespread use of new technologies by students has forced universities to include active methodologies in their pedagogy. This process has accelerated due to the COVID-19 pandemic, introducing innovative changes in pedagogy. This has motivated many lecturers to increase student motivation. The need to keep the students' attention during long and tedious theoretical sessions has motivated this contribution. Furthermore, the need for students to develop their Web search skills and development of individual expertise and participation in a final group process that attempts to transform newly acquired information into a more sophisticated understanding has inspired this contribution. This paper presents the results obtained from the implementation of gamification and Discovery Learning instructional model in the Software Engineering subject of the Computer Science degree in the course 2021/2022. The joint use of gamification and the Discovery Learning instructional model through Webquests has never been studied before. They help students to better acquire the knowledge taught in class. The gap in the combination use of gamification and Discovery Learning instructional model compared to previous studies using one single method show an improvement in academic results, greater motivation on the part of the students, greater creativity and ability to put what they have learned into practice. [-]
Gobierno Vasco-Eusko JaurlaritzaProjectu ID
info:eu-repo/grantAgreement/GV/Ikertalde Convocatoria 2022-2023/IT1519-22/CAPV/Ingeniería de Software y Sistemas/Bildumak
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