Now showing items 21-33 of 33

    • QoS-aware Metamorphic Testing: An Elevation Case Study 

      Ayerdi, Jon; Arrieta, Aitor; Sagardui, Goiuria (IEEE, 2020)
      Elevators are among the oldest and most widespread transportation systems, yet their complexity increases rapidly to satisfy customization demands and to meet quality of service requirements. Verification and validation ...
    • Runtime Contracts Checker: Increasing Robustness of Component-Based Software Systems 

      Illarramendi, Miren; Etxeberria, Leire; Elkorobarrutia, Xabier; Sagardui, Goiuria (IOP Publishing, 2019)
      Software Systems are becoming increasingly complex leading to new Validation &Verification challenges. Model checking and testing techniques are used at development time while runtime verification aims to verify that a ...
    • Runtime observable and adaptable UML state machines: models@run.time approach 

      Illarramendi, Miren; Etxeberria, Leire; Elkorobarrutia, Xabier; Sagardui, Goiuria (ACM, 2019)
      n embedded system is a self-contained system that incorporateselements of control logic and real-world interaction. UML State Ma-chines constitute a powerful formalism to model the behaviour ofthese types of systems. In ...
    • Seeding Strategies for Multi-Objective Test Case Selection: An Application on Simulation-based Testing 

      Arrieta, Aitor; Agirre, Joseba Andoni; Sagardui, Goiuria (ACM, 2020)
      The time it takes software systems to be tested is usually long. This is often caused by the time it takes the entire test suite to be executed. To optimize this, regression test selection approaches have allowed for ...
    • Sistema Ziber-Fisiko Aldakorrak : analisia, kudeaketa eta simulazioa 

      Arrieta, Aitor; Sagardui, Goiuria; Etxeberria, Leire (UEU, 2015)
      Cyber-Physical Systems integrate digital cyber technologies with complex physical systems. These systems are taking importance in our dayly lives and their variability is considerably increasing to give response to di erent ...
    • Some Seeds are Strong : Seeding Strategies for Search-based Test Case Selection 

      Arrieta, Aitor; Valle Entrena, Pablo; Agirre, Joseba Andoni; Sagardui, Goiuria (ACM, 2022)
      The time it takes software systems to be tested is usually long. Search-based test selection has been a widely investigated technique to optimize the testing process. In this paper, we propose a set of seeding strategies ...
    • Spectrum-based fault localization in software product lines 

      Arrieta, Aitor; Etxeberria, Leire; Markiegi, Urtzi; Sagardui, Goiuria (Elsevier B. V., 2018)
      Context: Software Product Line (SPL) testing is challenging mainly due to the potentially huge number of products under test. Most of the research on this field focuses on making testing affordable by selecting ...
    • Supporting CRUD Model Operations from EOL to SQL 

      Sagardui, Goiuria (SCITEPRESS, 2016)
      Model-based software development promises improvements in terms of quality and cost by raising the abstraction level of the development from code to models, but also requires mature techniques and tools. Although Eclipse ...
    • Towards a DevOps Approach in Cyber Physical Production Systems Using Digital Twins 

      Ugarte Querejeta, Miriam; Etxeberria, Leire; Sagardui, Goiuria (Springer Nature Switzerland AG, 2020)
      Nowadays product manufacturing must respond to mass customisation of products in order to meet the global market needs. This requires an agile and dynamic production process to be competitive in the market. Consequently, ...
    • Towards a Taxonomy for Eliciting Design-Operation Continuum Requirements of Cyber-Physical Systems 

      Ayerdi, Jon; Arrieta, Aitor; Sagardui, Goiuria (IEEE, 2020)
      Software systems that are embedded in autonomous Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) usually have a large life-cycle, both during its development and in maintenance. This software evolves during its life-cycle in order to ...
    • Transevol - A Tool to Evolve Legacy Model Transformations by Example 

      Agirre, Joseba Andoni; Sagardui, Goiuria; Etxeberria, Leire (SCITEPRESS, 2014)
      The use of Model Driven Development (MDD) approach is increasing in industry. MDD approach raises the level of abstraction using models as main artefacts of software engineering processes. The development of model ...
    • Using Machine Learning to Build Test Oracles: an Industrial Case Study on Elevators Dispatching Algorithms 

      Arrieta, Aitor; Ayerdi, Jon; Illarramendi, Miren; Sagardui, Goiuria (IEEE, 2021)
      The software of elevators requires maintenance over several years to deal with new functionality, correction of bugs or legislation changes. To automatically validate this software, test oracles are necessary. A typical ...
    • Virtual commissioning in machine tool manufacturing: a survey from industry 

      Ugarte Querejeta, Miriam; Etxeberria, Leire; Sagardui, Goiuria (Federación de Asociaciones de Ingenieros Industriales de España, 2021)
      Virtual commissioning has acquired a major interest with the introduction of Industry 4.0. It is demonstrated that virtual commissioning can significantly reduce the commissioning time, error rate and costs. However, ...