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Data Sovereignty for AI Pipelines: Lessons Learned from an Industrial Project at Mondragon CorporationEgilea
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Fraunhofer Institut für Software und Systemtechnik (ISST)Technische Universität Dortmund
© 2022 The AuthorsSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1145/3522664.3528593Non argitaratua
CAIN '22: Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on AI Engineering: Software Engineering for AI May 2022. Pp. 193-204. IEEE, 2022Argitaratzailea
data sovereigntycollaborative AI
lessons learned
AI engineering
The establishment of collaborative AI pipelines, in which multiple organizations share their data and models, is often complicated by lengthy data governance processes and legal clarifications. Data s ... [+]
The establishment of collaborative AI pipelines, in which multiple organizations share their data and models, is often complicated by lengthy data governance processes and legal clarifications. Data sovereignty solutions, which ensure data is being used under agreed terms and conditions, are promising to overcome these problems. However, there is limited research on their applicability in AI pipelines. In this study, we extended an existing AI pipeline at Mondragon Corporation, in which sensor data is collected and subsequently forwarded to a data quality service provider with a data sovereignty component. By systematically reflecting and generalizing our experiences during the twelve-month action research project, we formulated ten lessons learned, four benefits, and three barriers to data-sovereign AI pipelines that can inform further research and custom implementations. Our results show that a data sovereignty component can help reduce existing barriers and increase the success of collaborative data science initiatives. [-]