Doktoretza egiteko aukera CIC nanoGUNE eta MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEArekinPlaza para doctorado con CIC nanoGUNE y MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA
PhD Student is required to work with nanoGUNE and MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY
Argitalpen data
Mondragon UnibertsitateaGako-hitzak
Goi Eskola PoliteknikoaEscuela Politécnica Superior
Talentua eta motibazioa duten ingeniaritzan doktoretza egin nahi duten ikasleentzako eskaintza
Oportunidad para estudiante de doctorado con especialización en ingeniería con talento y motivación
Oportunidad para estudiante de doctorado con especialización en ingeniería con talento y motivación
As a part of an ongoing joint collaboration project between Faculty of Engineering in MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY and CIC nanoGUNE we are currently looking for a talented and motivated PhD Student with speci ... [+]
As a part of an ongoing joint collaboration project between Faculty of Engineering in MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY and CIC nanoGUNE we are currently looking for a talented and motivated PhD Student with specialization in Engineering [-]
Beste batzuk
Beste batzuk
Sarbide irekiaLaburpena
Talentua eta motibazioa duten ingeniaritzan doktoretza egin nahi duten ikasleentzako eskaintza Oportunidad para estudiante de doctorado con especialización en ingeniería con talento y motivación As a part of an ongoing joint collaboration project between Faculty of Engineering in MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY and CIC nanoGUNE we are currently looking for a talented and motivated PhD Student with specialization in Engineering
- Albisteak [3152]