Doktoretza egiteko aukera CIC nanoGUNE eta MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEArekinPlaza para doctorado con CIC nanoGUNE y MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA
PhD Student is required to work with nanoGUNE and MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY
Published Date
Mondragon UnibertsitateaKeywords
Goi Eskola PoliteknikoaEscuela Politécnica Superior
Talentua eta motibazioa duten ingeniaritzan doktoretza egin nahi duten ikasleentzako eskaintza
Oportunidad para estudiante de doctorado con especialización en ingeniería con talento y motivación
Oportunidad para estudiante de doctorado con especialización en ingeniería con talento y motivación
As a part of an ongoing joint collaboration project between Faculty of Engineering in MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY and CIC nanoGUNE we are currently looking for a talented and motivated PhD Student with speci ... [+]
As a part of an ongoing joint collaboration project between Faculty of Engineering in MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY and CIC nanoGUNE we are currently looking for a talented and motivated PhD Student with specialization in Engineering [-]
Document type
Open accessAbstract
Talentua eta motibazioa duten ingeniaritzan doktoretza egin nahi duten ikasleentzako eskaintza Oportunidad para estudiante de doctorado con especialización en ingeniería con talento y motivación As a part of an ongoing joint collaboration project between Faculty of Engineering in MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY and CIC nanoGUNE we are currently looking for a talented and motivated PhD Student with specialization in Engineering
- News [3152]