The economic and environmental impact of limiting air routes where there is a rail alternative: a case study of SpainDepartamentua
FinanzasBeste instituzio
Universidad de Zaragozahttps://ror.org/00eqwze33
Universidad del País Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)
Bertsio argitaratua
@ 2025 The authorsSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1007/s10113-025-02366-0Non argitaratua
Regional Environmental Change 2025, 25(1): 37Lehenengo orria
1Azken orria
AviaciónGases de efecto invernadero
Políticas públicas
Gaia (UNESCO Tesauroa)
Lurraren berotzeaUNESCO Sailkapena
The current Spanish government pact includes a measure aimed at restricting domestic flights on routes where a rail alternative is available with a duration of less than 2.5 h. This measure aligns wit ... [+]
The current Spanish government pact includes a measure aimed at restricting domestic flights on routes where a rail alternative is available with a duration of less than 2.5 h. This measure aligns with similar initiatives undertaken by neighbouring countries, with the French model serving as a prominent example. In this study, we quantify the economic and environmental impacts of this policy using input–output analysis, taking into account the current post-COVID trends in the Spanish air and rail sectors. Given the lack of specific implementation details within the measure, we have developed several scenarios to explore its potential application both presently and in the future. The results indicate that while such measures negatively affect the aviation value chain, these adverse impacts are largely mitigated by the substitution with rail transport. Trains emerge as a superior alternative for reducing emissions, given their relatively low environmental impact. The various scenarios demonstrate significant differences in outcomes, underscoring the importance of the chosen implementation strategy in determining the overall impact of the measure. [-]
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