Ikerketa-DoktoregoTesiak: Recent submissions
Now showing items 61-80 of 301
Arloetako alfabetatzearen azterketa batxilergoko diziplinarteko proiektu batean. Kasu azterketa
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultatea, 2022)Tesi-lan honen helburu nagusia da aztertzea batxilergoko diziplinarteko proiektu batean arloetako alfabetatzeak nola lantzen diren. Helburuari erantzuteko kasu azterketa kualitatibo bat egin da eta sei jakintza-arloz ... -
Impacto del factor comunitario (factor C) sobre el funcionamiento y resultados de empresas sociales de servicios sanitarios rurales
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Enpresagintza Fakultatea, 2022)El Factor C fue definido en el marco de la Teoría Económica Comprensiva como aquella energía social que surge de la unidad de conciencias, sentimientos y voluntades de un grupo, tras un objetivo compartido (Razeto, 2017). ... -
El comportamiento financiero de las cooperativas de trabajo asociado de MONDRAGON
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Enpresagintza Fakultatea, 2022)Esta tesis estudia el comportamiento financiero de las sociedades cooperativas de trabajo asociado (CTA) a través de una investigación con metodología mixta, cualitativa y cuantitativa. Tradicionalmente la literatura ha ... -
Sinterizazio-atmosferaren eragina M graduko (ASP 30) altzairu laster baten dentsifikazio eta propietate mekanikoetan
(Universidad de Navarra, 1992)Bi M graduko tresneriarako altzairu lasterren, Px30 eta Px30S deritzenak, sinterizazio eta tratamendu termikoen aurreko portaera eta propietate mekanikoak aztertzen dira. Sinterizazioaren ikerketarako sinterizazio-tenperatura ... -
Emprendimiento sostenible: Evaluación de impacto económico, ecológico y social. Estudio de casos Startups en LEINN País Vasco.
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Enpresagintza Fakultatea, 2022)El desarrollo sostenible es uno de los conceptos con mayor influencia para las empresas en las últimas décadas. Particularmente por el apremio de los ciudadanos a utilizar sistemas productivos, que puedan disminuir la ... -
Análisis de las percepciones de las personas trabajadoras de Mano de Obra Directa e Indirecta sobre la participación y las prácticas de gestión de personas. Estudio de caso de la cooperativa UAS
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Enpresagintza Fakultatea, 2022)Las personas son el centro neurálgico de las organizaciones y, aún más, en la economía moderna y global donde los mercados están siendo cada vez más competitivos y dinámicos. Tener en cuenta a la persona trabajadora, ... -
Bi urteko haurren enkulturazio prozesuarekiko Haur Hezkuntzako maisu-maistren irudikapen sozialak: metodo mistoen bidezko ikerketa
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultatea, 2022)Eskola-testuinguruan, Haur Hezkuntzako maisu-maistra da haurraren erreferentzia-eredua eta enkulturazio prozesuan eragile garrantzitsua. Ikerketa honen helburua da Haur Hezkuntzako maisu-maistrek haurren enkulturazio ... -
The use of wikis in a CLIL-POI context as tools for collaborative writing: impact of attitudes
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultatea, 2012)Taking into account some of the main aspects regarding changes promoted by the Knowledge Society and their impact on education, the aim of the present study is to explore contextual factors which impact on the development ... -
A study on fthe physical working environment and its effects on employee collaboration through mediation of spychological well-being: an analysis of Coworking spaces in the Basque Country
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Enpresagintza Fakultatea, 2022)The aim of this study is to analyse the influence of the physical working environment on the employee collaboration with the mediating effect of the psychological well-being construct. The transition of current working ... -
Test optimization for highly-configurable cyber-physical systems
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2021)Over the past decade, Cyber-Physical Systems (CPSs) have gained prominence as core-enabling technologies in the development of multiple domains, thanks to its ability to integrate digital capabilities with physical processes. ... -
Metodologías data-driven para optimizar la interacción persona-máquina en escenarios industriales
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2021)The rapid expansion of new technologies into the industrial sector has transformed traditional industrial processes into intelligent operations, in which operator-machine interaction is becoming increasingly complex. In ... -
Sensor and CNC internal signal evaluation to detect tool and workpiece malfunctions in the drilling process
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2021)Lehiakortasuna bultzatzeko eta bezeroen eskaera aldakorrei erantzuteko, fabrikazio sektorea Informazio eta Komunikazio Teknologiak (IKT) aprobetxatzen ari da. Mekanizazioa ez da salbuespena, eta mekanizazio prozesuak sare ... -
Bularretik Mintzora egitasmoa: haur literatura sistematizatzeko esperientzia bat
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultatea, 2021) -
Cryogenic machining of the aeronautic alloy: Inconel 718
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2021)Nickel-based alloys are widely used in the manufacture of aerospace engine components due to their excellent high-temperature thermo-mechanical properties and good corrosion resistance. However, machining these materials ... -
Aerodynamic characterization of transitionally-operating airfoils under a set of flow conditions going from ideal to real configurations
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2021)Applications in which airfoils operate under transitional flow conditions are widespread, comprising micro- and nano-aerial-vehicle wings, portions of mid- and large-scale wind-turbine blades or turbomachinery vanes. The ... -
Modelo de evaluación y selección de nuevas tecnologías en un centro tecnológico de manufacturing
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2020)In today's industrial and social environment, the relevance of technology and R+D+i activities is considered key for the competitiveness and sustainability of companies, both in the developed economies and in developing ... -
Hierarchical microstructure design and cast processing route of a modified TNM gamma TiAl alloy
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2021)Gamma titanium aluminides following the β-solidifying pathway, are intermetallic alloys that have the potential to replace heavier materials in high temperature structural applications, such as aerospace and aeronautics. ... -
Cutting forces prediction in orthogonal turn-milling operations
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2021)The development of more versatile machine tools is addressing the increased market demand for more complex shapes and workpieces with strict tolerances. This has resulted in more complicated kinematics, designed to align ... -
Development of a numerical fluid-structure interaction methodology to model transient leakage phenomena
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2021)In applications that require the storage or transport of a fluid, ensuring leaktightness is essential. The emergence of leaks can have serious consequences, both for the system and its environment. There exist critical ... -
Pouch cell fabrication process optimisation through physico-chemical modelling and characterisation
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, 2020)The world is facing an energy revolution, seeking more sustainable based energy solutions while the global energy demand is increasing. New trends in energy consumption and new applications have arisen in which energy ...