Adoption of Multiphase and Variable Flux Motors in Automotive ApplicationsBertsioa
Bertsio argitaratua
© 2024 The AuthorsSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.3390/app142310932Non argitaratua
Applied Sciences Vol. 14. N. 23. N. art. 10932, 2024Argitaratzailea
Permanent magnet motor
finite element method
electric vehicle
ODS 11 Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles ... [+]
finite element method
electric vehicle
ODS 11 Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles ... [+]
Permanent magnet motor
finite element method
electric vehicle
ODS 11 Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
ODS 13 Acción por el clima [-]
finite element method
electric vehicle
ODS 11 Ciudades y comunidades sostenibles
ODS 13 Acción por el clima [-]
Gaia (UNESCO Tesauroa)
Ingenieritza mekanikoaUNESCO Sailkapena
Teknologia eta ingeniaritza mekanikoakLaburpena
This paper investigates the incorporation of multiphase (MP) and variable flux (VF) permanent magnet motors to electric vehicles (EVs). A literature review is carried out first, which covers the chara ... [+]
This paper investigates the incorporation of multiphase (MP) and variable flux (VF) permanent magnet motors to electric vehicles (EVs). A literature review is carried out first, which covers the characteristics, benefits and challenges of both motor configurations. MP motors, with their increased phase number, offer enhanced fault tolerance, reduced torque ripple, and improved efficiency, among other benefits. VF technology allows for dynamic adjustment of the magnetic field, optimising motor performance across various operating conditions. By integrating these technologies, this study aims to harness the benefits of both MP configurations and VF capabilities. For this reason, the Finite Element Method (FEM) is used with three-phase, MP, VF, and VF-MP motors. The main contribution is that both technologies have been implemented in a single motor to evaluate and quantify their impact together, obtaining higher torque and constant power values, lower torque ripples, and higher efficiencies in the whole working range. [-]
Gobierno VascoPrograma
Elkartek 2023Zenbakia
KK-2023-00091Laguntzaren URIa
Sin informaciónProiektua
Equipos de Potencia en Gallium Nitride (EPOGAN)Bildumak
Item honek honako baimen-fitxategi hauek dauzka asoziatuta: