Alternative Approach Based on Bézier Curves to Model Core Losses With the Composite iGSE MethodGrupo de investigación
Sistemas electrónicos de potencia aplicados al control de la energía eléctricaVersión
© 2024 IEEEAcceso
Acceso abiertoVersión del editor
https://doi.org/10.1109/ECCEEurope62508.2024.10751923Publicado en
IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE) Darmstadt (Alemania), 2-6 septiembre, 2024Editor
IEEEPalabras clave
Core loss
Magnetic cores
Curve fitting ... [+]
Magnetic cores
Curve fitting ... [+]
Core loss
Magnetic cores
Curve fitting
Numerical analysis
ODS 7 Energía asequible y no contaminante
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura
ODS 13 Acción por el clima [-]
Magnetic cores
Curve fitting
Numerical analysis
ODS 7 Energía asequible y no contaminante
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura
ODS 13 Acción por el clima [-]
Materia (Tesauro UNESCO)
Tecnología electrónicaResumen
This work addresses limitations of the composite improved generalized Steinmetz equation for core loss calculation and presents a more robust definition of the losses. First, the limitations due to ex ... [+]
This work addresses limitations of the composite improved generalized Steinmetz equation for core loss calculation and presents a more robust definition of the losses. First, the limitations due to extrapolation of the fifth-degree polynomial functions used in the previous work are presented, resulting in inaccurate predictions in certain cases. As a solution, Bézier curves are proposed, which can accurately model the loss transition from low frequency (hysteresis loss) to high frequency (eddy loss), while remaining tangential outside of the parametrization range. The presented approach is not only more robust, but also requires less parameters to define the losses, while retaining similar or better accuracy than the approach. [-]
Gobierno VascoPrograma
Programa predoctoral de formación del personal investigador no doctor 2020-2021Número
PRE_2020_1_0267URI de la ayuda
Sin informaciónProyecto
Sin informaciónColecciones
- Congresos - Ingeniería [384]