Thrust Ripple Reduction in Linear Switched-Flux Machines via Additional Pole OptimisationAutor-a (de otra institución)
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Accionamientos aplicados a la tracción y a la generación de energía eléctricaOtras instituciones
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https://doi.org/10.1109/TEC.2022.3160505Publicado en
IEEE Transactions on Energy Conversion Editor
IEEEPalabras clave
End effect
Linear machines
Ripple ... [+]
Linear machines
Ripple ... [+]
End effect
Linear machines
magnet [-]
Linear machines
magnet [-]
Linear switched-flux machines are a kind of permanent magnet machine with a passive ferromagnetic secondary. Therefore, they can achieve both a good performance and a low cost in long stroke applicati ... [+]
Linear switched-flux machines are a kind of permanent magnet machine with a passive ferromagnetic secondary. Therefore, they can achieve both a good performance and a low cost in long stroke applications. However, due to the end effect, these machines generate high detent force and on load thrust force ripples. There are several solutions in the literature that aim to minimise the thrust ripple. One of those solutions is the placement of additional poles in the ends of the machine. These can be passive, i. e. simple ferromagnetic teeth, or active, with additional magnets. The former is the most common solution in the literature. In this article, the optimal configuration of the additional poles is discussed via 4 additional pole sizing strategies, and the influence of the design variables and optimisation objectives is analysed. Then, a generic additional pole configuration is proposed, which combines a high effectiveness and a simple design. Finally, an experimental validation is carried out, and the measurements confirm the results from the optimisation. [-]
Gobierno VascoID Proyecto
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- Artículos - Ingeniería [684]