Zerrendatu Artikuluak-Ingeniaritza honen arabera: argitalpen data
696-tik 1-20 emaitza erakusten
Control of PWM rectifier under grid voltage dips
(PAN, 2009)This paper investigates control structure for grid connected three-phase two-level Voltage Source Converter (VSC) under distorted grid voltage conditions. Grid voltage is distorted by balanced and unbalanced voltage dips ... -
Diseño de los Grados en Ingeniería y su modelo de implantación en Mondragon Unibersitatea
(Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, 2009)The adaptation of the university studies to the European Space for Higher Education, has supposed a reformulation of its educational model for the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Mondragon. The new model focuses ... -
Definición de una metodología optimizada para la simulación del desgaste en materiales
(Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), 2010)The wear simulation with finite element method (FEM) presents great advantages for the improvement of components, because of the reduction in the cost in comparison to the experimental procedure (test time, materials, ... -
Wear-related phenomena in advanced materials
(Hindawi, 2011)The title of this editorial reflects an effort in creating a unique research forum, to harbor fundamental as well as review articles, meeting the forefront of this scientific field. The Guest Editors sought to attract ... -
Higher harmonics compensation in grid-connected PWM converters for renewable energy interface and active filtering
(Przegląd Elektrotechniczny, 2011)The paper presents overview of high-order harmonics compensation methods applied for control of grid-connected converter. Two harmonic compensation methods are presented. One based on band-pass filers cooperating with ... -
A neural-visualization IDS for honeynet data
(World Scientific, 2012)Neural intelligent systems can provide a visualization of the network traffic for security staff, in order to reduce the widely known high false-positive rate associated with misuse-based Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs). ... -
Factor graph based detection approach for high-mobility OFDM systems with large FFT modes
(Springer, 2012)In this article, a novel detector design is proposed for orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems over frequency selective and time varying channels. Namely, we focus on systems with large OFDM symbol ... -
Determination of molecular diffusion coefficient in n-Alkane binary mixtures: empirical correlations
(ACS Publishing, 2012)In this work we have measured the molecular diffusion coefficient of the n-alkane binary series nCi-nC6, nCi-nC10, and nCi-nC12 at 298 K and 1 atm and a mass fraction of 0.5 by using the so-called sliding symmetric tubes ... -
Sorption isotherm, glass transition, and diffusion coefficient of polyacrylamide/water solutions
(ACS Publications, 2012)The sorption isotherm, the glass transition, and the mutual diffusion coefficient of polyacrylamide/water solutions are obtained experimentally. All of these parameters are measured in the concentrated regime by gravimetric ... -
Medium voltage-high power converter topologies comparison procedure for a 6.6kV Drive Application using 4.5kV IGBT Modules
(IEEE, 2012)This paper presents a general comparison procedure for medium voltage - high power multilevel converter topologies and semiconductors, which is mainly based on analyzing the performance limits of the converters output ... -
Simulation of distortion due to machining of thin-walled components
(Elsevier, 2013)The distortion of components is strongly related to the residual stress state induced by manufacturing processes like heat treatment, forming or machining. Each process step affects the initial stress state of the following ... -
Multi revolution finite element model to predict machining induced residual stresses in Inconel 718
(Elsevier, 2013)Inconel 718 is commonly used in structural critical components of aircraft engines due to its mechanical thermal properties at high temperatures, which makes it to be considered as a difficult to machine material. In these ... -
A sensibility analysis to geometric and cutting conditions using the particle finite element method (PFEM)
(Elsevier, 2013)The (PFEM) is employed to simulate orthogonal metal cutting of 42CD4 steel. The objectives of this work are mainly three: The first one is to validate PFEM strategies as an efficient tool for numerical simulation of metal ... -
Numerical study of the pressure drop phenomena in wound woven wire matrix of a Stirling regenerator
(Elsevier, 2013)Friction pressure drop correlation equations are derived from a numerical study by characterizing the pressure drop phenomena through porous medium of both types namely stacked and wound woven wire matrices of a Stirling ... -
Fully pipelined implementation of tree-search algorithms for vector precoding
(Hindawi, 2013)The nonlinear vector precoding (VP) technique has been proven to achieve close-to-capacity performance in multiuser multipleinput multiple-output (MIMO) downlink channels. The performance benefit with respect to its linear ... -
Model/framework for addressing continuous improvement projects effectively and efficiently using Six Sigma methodology. Case study of automotive auxialiry company
(Polish Academy of Sciences, 2013)The purpose of this work is to develop a model for implementing an effective and efficient Continuous Improvement projects, aimed at increasing the performance of production processes. In particular, it aims to innovate ... -
User behavior shift detection in ambient assisted living environments
(JMIR Publications, 2013)Identifying users' frequent behaviors is considered a key step to achieving real, intelligent environments that support people in their daily lives. These patterns can be used in many different applications. An algorithm ... -
OPTIBODY: A New Structural Design Focused in Safety
(SAE International, 2013)With electric vehicles becoming more and more popular, the classic “general purpose” vehicle concept is changing to a “dedicated vehicle” concept. Light trucks for goods delivery in cities are one of the examples. The ... -
Effectivity of fluoride treatment on hydrogen and corrosion product generation in temporal implants for different magnesium alloys
(Sage Journals, 2013)The increasing interest on magnesium alloys relies on their biocompatibility, bioabsorbility and especially on their mechanical properties. Due to these characteristics, magnesium alloys are becoming a promising solution ... -
Evolution of residual stresses induced by machining in a Nickel based alloy under static loading at room temperature
(Elsevier, 2014)Tensile residual stresses are very often generated on the surface when machining nickel alloys. In order to determine their influence on the final mechanical behaviour of the component residual stress stability should be ...