Let's GO IIT Guwahati!Let's GO IIT Guwahati!
Let's GO IIT Guwahati!
Fecha de publicación
Mondragon UnibertsitateaPalabras clave
Goi Eskola PoliteknikoaEscuela Politécnica Superior
MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEAk (MU) eta Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati institutuak (IITG) (India), lankidetza hitzarmen orokorra eta mugikortasunerako hitzarmen berezi bat sinatu dituzte, bi erak ... [+]
MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEAk (MU) eta Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati institutuak (IITG) (India), lankidetza hitzarmen orokorra eta mugikortasunerako hitzarmen berezi bat sinatu dituzte, bi erakundeen arteko lankidetza sakontzea ahalbidetuko duena. [-]
MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA (MU) y el Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), India, han firmado un acuerdo general de colaboración y uno específico de movilidad que van a permitir profundizar ... [+]
MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA (MU) y el Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), India, han firmado un acuerdo general de colaboración y uno específico de movilidad que van a permitir profundizar la colaboración entre ambas instituciones. [-]
MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY (MU) and the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), India, have signed both a general agreement and a specific mobility agreement that will allow an increased collaborati ... [+]
MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY (MU) and the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), India, have signed both a general agreement and a specific mobility agreement that will allow an increased collaboration between both institutions. [-]
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Acceso abiertoResumen
MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEAk (MU) eta Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati institutuak (IITG) (India), lankidetza hitzarmen orokorra eta mugikortasunerako hitzarmen berezi bat sinatu dituzte, bi erakundeen arteko lankidetza sakontzea ahalbidetuko duena. MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA (MU) y el Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), India, han firmado un acuerdo general de colaboración y uno específico de movilidad que van a permitir profundizar la colaboración entre ambas instituciones. MONDRAGON UNIVERSITY (MU) and the Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG), India, have signed both a general agreement and a specific mobility agreement that will allow an increased collaboration between both institutions.
- Noticias [3153]