Erasmus ikasleek agur-afari bat antolatu zuten beren herrietara itzuli aurretikLos alumnos del programa Erasmus han vuelto a sus países de origen
The Erasmus students organized a goodbye party before going back home
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Mondragon UnibertsitateaGako-hitzak
Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien FakultateaLaburpena
The students from the second edition of the Erasmus programme who were studying for four months at HUHEZI, The Faculty of Humanities and Education at Mondragon University, have returned home. But befo ... [+]
The students from the second edition of the Erasmus programme who were studying for four months at HUHEZI, The Faculty of Humanities and Education at Mondragon University, have returned home. But before doing so, they organized a goodbye party with lots of tasty food. [-]
Beste batzuk
Beste batzuk
Sarbide irekiaLaburpena
The students from the second edition of the Erasmus programme who were studying for four months at HUHEZI, The Faculty of Humanities and Education at Mondragon University, have returned home. But before doing so, they organized a goodbye party with lots of tasty food.
- Albisteak [3153]