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Comparison of Motor Imagery Brain Computer Interfaces and Validation with the OpenBCI EEG Electrode Cap
(Springer Nature, 2025)People with Tetraplegia will typically require costly, round-the-clock care over the course of their lives due to lack of motor function. Brain computer interfaces (BCIs) are capable of identifying imagined motor intention ... -
The Challenges of Citizen Engagement in Urban Transformation: Key Learnings from Three European Cities
(2024)The importance of citizen involvement in urban transformations has grown significantly as cities strive to become more citizen-centric. Placing citizens at the forefront of urban change is crucial for creating resilient, ... -
Digitally enabled social district renovation processes for age-friendly environments driving social innovation and local economic development
(ICT Healthy Living, 2024)The core ambition of the project is the development of an integrated methodology that at a strategic level is intended to transform social housing districts into inclusive smart neighbourhoods. This methodology will ... -
Collaborative Synergy in Industry: Exploring Human-Robot Interaction and Cognitive Robotics
(AEIPRO, 2024)In the new era of Industry, characterized by transformative technological shifts, robots have become integral to manufacturing. This paper delves into human-robot interaction (HRI), specifically emphasizing human-robot ... -
El aprendizaje profundo con el modelo ABPexperiencia de la facultad de ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea
(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023)This article presents the project-based learning (PBL) model applied in the semester projects of the engineering degrees of Mondragon Unibertsitatea. This model represents the evolution of more than 20 years of experience ... -
El programa Mondragon-DUAL como estrategia para el desarrollo del talento
(Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena, 2023)This article presents the Mondragon-DUAL programme of Mondragon Unibertsitatea. This programme covers a collaborative learning process in a company, research center or research group starting in the second year of the ... -
La tutoría para el desarrollo personal y profesional del alumnado de ingeniería
(Universitat de Girona. Escola Politècnica Superior, 2024)The Polytechnic School of MU in line with its commitment to student-centred training and personalisation, throughout the academic year 2022-2023 launched a tutoring programme, within the framework of the HAZTEN programme. ... -
I already have the data; what do I do with it? Projects based on immersive reality in agricultural experimental fields
(AEIPRO, 2024)The COVID-19 confinement triggered immersive reality technologies within the educational context in Mexico and worldwide. This motivated governments and universities to develop virtual laboratories for distance learning. ... -
Performance of the counterbalance systems in heavy industrial robots under cyclic operation
(IEEE, 2024)Industrial robot accuracy is limited in applications such as machining processes, mainly due to the relatively low stiffness of the joints. Deviations are caused by the weight of the links, external forces, inertias and ... -
Influence of the crowning ratio in spherical gear couplings working in misaligned conditions
(MMT Symposium MMT, 2024)Spherical gear couplings are high power density mechanical components employed to transmit power between misaligned rotating shafts. Their main differences in comparison with conventional spline couplings are their two ... -
SELFIE WBL: Estudio de caso en CIPF Txurdinaga LHII, Comunidad Autónoma Vasca
(Grupo de Investigación Didáctica. Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)Esta investigación refleja un estudio de caso sobre la implementación de la herramienta SELFIE WBL en un centro de formación profesional (FP) dual de la Comunidad Autonoma Vasca (CAV). Se ha realizado con una metodología ... -
Hacía un marco ético para la implementación de tecnología educativa
(Grupo de Investigación Didáctica. Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)El sistema educativo en general, y los docentes en particular, nos enfrentamos día a día al desafío que representa una tecnología disruptiva como la Inteligencia Artificial Generativa (IAG, a partir de ahora). Esta situación ... -
Explorando el efecto de los proyectos basados en STEM en estudiantes de escuela primaria
(Grupo de Investigación Didáctica. Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)Esta exploración es parte del proyecto STEMotiv (STEMotiv, s.f.). El objetivo principal del proyecto es analizar la influencia del modelo de aprendizaje STEM (ciencia, tecnología, ingeniería y matemáticas) en las necesidades ... -
Percepción del alumnado universitario respecto a la Inteligencia Artificial: el caso de los estudiantes de primer año de la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea
(Grupo de Investigación Didáctica. Universidad de Sevilla, 2024)La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación de Mondragon Unibertsitatea (HUHEZI) ha iniciado un proceso de reflexión de cara a integrar la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en sus planes de estudio. Uno de los retos ... -
Contact model for toroidal type continuously variable transmissions
(2020)Toroidal type Continuously Variable Transmissions (T-CVT) are mechanical transmission systems where torque is transferred by means of traction forces. This transmission type holds, slip and high contact pressures that ... -
Influencia de la geometría de transmisiones variables continuas toroidales en la fricción
(2021)Las Transmisiones Variables Continuas son un tipo de transmisión mecánica que utilizan fuerzas de fricción para la transferencia de potencia entre dos ejes coaxiales. Este tipo de mecanismos permite adaptar la relación de ... -
Lubrifikatzaileen marruskaduraren modelo sinplifikatua spin higiduradun errodadura kontaktutan
(2024)Elementu mekanikoen funtzionamendu egokia bermatzeko lubrifikatzaileak erabiltzen dira, energia galderak gutxitzen dituzte marruskadura jaitsiz eta elementu metalikoak babesten dituzte higaduraren aurrean. Errodadura ... -
Sliding performance of toroidal type CVT transmissions
(Ecole Centrale de Lyon, 2022)Toroidal Continuously Variable Transmissions (T-CVT) are mechanisms where torque is transferred through traction forces over heavily loaded lubricated elliptical contacts [1]. Lubricated traction is governed by the shear ... -
Beroa berreskuratzeko sistema berritzaile baten garapena
(Tecnalia, 2021)Lan honen helburua energia intentsiboko industria prozesuetatik datozen tenperatura baxuko eta ertaineko erregaien gasetatik energia berreskuratzea da. Helburu horrekin diseinatu den soluzioak Rankineren Ziklo Organiko ...