Non-Isolated Partial Power Converter for Electric Vehicle Fast Charging StationsBertsioa
© 2020 IEEESarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1109/PEDG48541.2020.9244345Non argitaratua
IEEE International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems (PEDG) 11. Dubrovnik, Croatia, 28 septiembre- 1 octubre 2020Argitaratzailea
Electric vehicle chargingPartial power processing
ODS 7 Energía asequible y no contaminante
In the present paper a partial power converter is proposed for an electric vehicle fast charging station. The main advantage of this type of converter is that it only processes a reduced percentage of ... [+]
In the present paper a partial power converter is proposed for an electric vehicle fast charging station. The main advantage of this type of converter is that it only processes a reduced percentage of the power consumed by the load. Apart from that, the classical partial power converter architectures presented in the literature require an isolated topology for the stage of conversion. However, in this document a non-isolated topology is applied, specifically, an interleaved single ended primary inductor converter. In addition, in order to observe its benefits, the proposed converter is compared with a conventional full power converter. Finally, it is concluded that the proposed partial power architecture is an attractive solution due to its reduction in the processed power by the converter and its improvement in the efficiency of the application. [-]