Ikusi/ Ireki
A pricing model to monetize your industrial dataEgilea (beste erakunde batekoa)
Beste instituzio
Università degli Studi di FirenzeEskubideak
@ Los autoresSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
10.3389/fmtec.2023.1057537Non argitaratua
Frontiers in Manufacturing Technology Vol. 3, art:1057537Argitaratzailea
Monetización de datosValor de los datos
Comercialización de datos
Data monetization has become a relevant aspect of the industrial manufacturing. Consequently, this paper proposes a theoretical framework as well as a mathematical model to price industrial data. For ... [+]
Data monetization has become a relevant aspect of the industrial manufacturing. Consequently, this paper proposes a theoretical framework as well as a mathematical model to price industrial data. For this purpose, three characteristics of the data were considered, i.e. 1) quality; 2) entropy and 3) value. Besides, the role of data marketplace’s players was analyzed. In order to validate the economic equation, a case study was carried out by a Spanish manufacturer. [-]
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