Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Aesthetic interaction consistency: exploring the foundation for static and dynamic aesthetics
(The Design Society, 2018)
Aesthetics is a powerful means for creating consistency across a product range. During the design process consistency is subject to risk. The existing tools do not integrate static as well as dynamic approaches. This paper ...
Hacia un modelo cuantitativo de PersonasTowards a model of quantitative personas
(AEIPRO, 2018)
La herramienta Personas es una herramienta extendida en el mundo del diseño de producto y el diseño web. En los últimos años nuevas disciplinas como el diseño de servicios y el diseño estratégico han hecho que las herramientas ...
Personas for policy-making and healthcare design
(University of Zagreb, 2018)
The tool Personas has been used by different research teams to represent diversity among elderly people. This tool has been widely used in the discipline of product and service design and in recent years has spread to other ...
Gaining patient experience insights: An integrated and multi-levelled framework of information
(Academy for Design Innovation Management (ADIM), 2019)
Taking patient experience as a basis, this paper introduces a theoretical framework, to capture insights leading to new technological healthcare solutions. Targeting a recently diagnosed type 1 diabetes ...
Integrando las dimensiones de la experiencia de paciente en proyectos de diseño centrado en las personas
(AEIPRO, 2020)
Diversas investigaciones apuntan que una eXperiencia de Paciente (PX) positiva mejora los resultados de salud y la rentabilidad de los centros médicos. Uno de los enfoques utilizados para mejorar la PX es el diseño centrado ...
Desarrollo de relaciones interempresariales de colaboración: el caso de una empresa de componentes de automociónDevelopment of inter-organizational colaborative relationships: the case of an automotive industry supplier
(AEIPRO, 2019)
The competitiveness of companies depends to a large extent on the ability to respond to the needs of their customers. These needs are increasingly demanding and complex to resolve, translating to the rest of the agents in ...
Human-Centred Design in the context of Servitization in Industry 4.0: A Collaborative Approach
The competitiveness of the business today will depend on empowering hu-man intelligence and creativity, capturing and capitalizing on available infor-mation and knowledge for the total product and service lifecycle. To ...
An overview of Industry 4.0 Applications for Advanced Maintenance Services
(Elsevier B.V., 2022)
Manufacturing today has experienced dynamic changes imposed by social-technical systems that address economic, social and sustainable requirements. Furthermore, the technologies in Industry 4.0 have also brought many smart ...
Visión del Diseño Inclusivo en EspañaVision about Inclusive Design in Spain
(AEIPRO, 2017)
In a global world, where cultures intertwine and where many countries see their population aging, many people is excluded by traditional products and services. Spain is not an exception and there are groups of people that ...
Revisión Crítica del Uso del Patient Journey Map en el Diseño Centrado en las PersonasPatient Journey Mapping in human-centered design: a critical review
(AEIPRO, 2021)
Recent studies indicate that a positive Patient eXperience (PX) leads to a faster patient recovery, greater safety and lower costs for the healthcare system. Therefore, PX design is fundamental for hospitals service delivery. ...