Now showing items 1-8 of 8
Analysis of technological architectures for the new paradigm of the industry 4.0Análisis de arquitecturas tecnológicas para el nuevo paradigma de la industria 4.0
(DYNA Publishing, 2019)
The present work defines an interoperable and scalable architecture that will allow the servitization of the machine tool sector. ICT and the Internet of Things make possible to interconnect different devices and controllers, ...
Experiencia colectiva de aplicación de la clase invertida en el grado de informática
As information consumption habits change, higher education is facing the challenge of transforming the teaching experience in order to maximize student involvement and motivation. This transformation, based on multimedia ...
Collective experience of application of an inverted classroom in the computer science degree program
(SEFI, 2021)
In the last years, higher education is immersed in the transformation of the teaching experience with the aim of involving students more, as well as motivating them. Nowadays, students are very familiarized with new ...
Implantación colectiva de la clase invertida en el grado de informática
(AENUI, 2022)
La educación ha sufrido una gran transformación en las últimas décadas. El alumnado de hoy en día está formado por nativos digitales y la educación tradicional les parece aburrida. Por este motivo, los docentes tratan de ...
Advantages of Arrowhead Framework for the Machine Tooling Industry
(IEEE, 2020)
Immersed in the digital era and fully experiencing the changes introduced by the new industrial revolution of the so-called Industry 4.0, there are still many aspects of industrial digitization to resolve. Interoperability ...
E-Learning Experience with Flipped Classroom Quizzes Using Kahoot, Moodle and Google Forms: A Comparative Study
(ACM, 2023)
In recent years, the use of technology is gaining weight in higher education. Today’s students are digital natives and e-Learning is common for them. Furthermore, they find traditional teaching methods tedious. In order ...
An experience in the implementation of the flipped classroom instructional model in the computer science degree
(Wiley, 2023)
In recent years, education has undergone a profound transformation process, having gone from relying only on the traditional lecture to making full use of digital formats. This gradual process, accelerated by the COVID-19 ...
A visual programming tool for mobile web augmentation
(Springer, 2024)
The use of mobile devices for web browsing has increased extraordinarily in recent years, becoming the main source of information. Unfortunately, developers cannot meet the needs of all users. As a result, users have been ...