eBiltegia - Mondragon Unibertsitateko biltegi digitala
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Komunitateak eBiltegian
Erantsitako azken lanak
Effects of Recycled Permanent Magnets on Electric Machine and Hybrid Electric Vehicle Performances
(ASME, 2023)Permanent magnet price volatility is an ongoing issue that affects many industrial sectors worldwide, dictating the costs of the final product by a substantial degree. This fluctuation can be attributed to a large ... -
How local ecosystems can support energy communities: insights from Debagoiena Region
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024)Energy communities are increasingly seen as a key lever for the energy transition. However, energy communities need supportive ecosystems to overcome the challenges they face individually. This study explores the development ... -
Assessing heavy maintenance alternatives for floating offshore wind farms: Towing vs. onsite replacement strategies
(Elsevier, 2025)This paper presents the first comparative study evaluating towing and onsite replacement strategies for heavy maintenance of floating offshore wind (FOW) turbines. The towing maintenance strategy is characterised by a ... -
An Optimal Power-Splitting Strategy for Hybrid Storage Systems
(IEEE, 2024)The wide deployment of inverter-based resources is changing the grid characteristics and demanding rapid changes in the control and operation of power grids. Storage is becoming a key component of this transition, as it ... -
Responsabilidad y compromiso social: sentidos docentes en disputa
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2024)La comprensión de la responsabilidad y el compromiso social docente está en disputa. Narrativas vinculadas con la eficiencia, los aprendizajes y bienestares individuales se confrontan con las relacionadas en el cumplimiento ...