eBiltegia - Mondragon Unibertsitateko biltegi digitala
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Komunitateak eBiltegian
Erantsitako azken lanak
Learning periodic skills for robotic manipulation: Insights on orientation and impedance
(Elsevier, 2024)Many daily tasks exhibit a periodic nature, necessitating that robots possess the ability to execute them either alone or in collaboration with humans. A widely used approach to encode and learn such periodic patterns from ... -
The influence of the adiabatic heating coefficient on the near solidus forming process
(Springer Nature, 2025)The Near Solidus Forming (NSF) process represents a critical method for shaping metallic components under extreme temperature conditions. When metals deform plastically, significant amounts of heat can be generated, which ... -
Adoption of Multiphase and Variable Flux Motors in Automotive Applications
(MDPI, 2024)This paper investigates the incorporation of multiphase (MP) and variable flux (VF) permanent magnet motors to electric vehicles (EVs). A literature review is carried out first, which covers the characteristics, benefits ... -
Non-destructive procedure to determine residual stresses and white layers in hole making operations
(Elsevier, 2025)Holes are one of the most critical features of aero-engine components subjected to fatigue loads. Thus, it is essential to ensure a good surface integrity during hole making operations. This work proposes a non-destructive ...