eBiltegia - Mondragon Unibertsitateko biltegi digitala
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Biltegi digitalak unibertsitatean jarduera akademiko, ikertzaile eta instituzionalaren emaitza gisa sortutako dokumentuen testu osoa eskuratzeko aukera ematen du. Bere helburua da unibertsitateko ekoizpen zientifiko eta akademikoari ikusgarritasun handiagoa ematea, haren eragina handitzea eta haren babesa ziurtatzea, erakundearen Sarbide Irekiko politikak betez:
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Komunitateak eBiltegian
Erantsitako azken lanak
Adoption of Multiphase and Variable Flux Motors in Automotive Applications
(MDPI, 2024)This paper investigates the incorporation of multiphase (MP) and variable flux (VF) permanent magnet motors to electric vehicles (EVs). A literature review is carried out first, which covers the characteristics, benefits ... -
Non-destructive procedure to determine residual stresses and white layers in hole making operations
(Elsevier, 2025)Holes are one of the most critical features of aero-engine components subjected to fatigue loads. Thus, it is essential to ensure a good surface integrity during hole making operations. This work proposes a non-destructive ... -
Assessing academic and disciplinary literacies: a cross-disciplinary and multilingual rubric
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultatea, 2025)This document presents the final version of a rubric designed to assess students’ academic and disciplinary literacies (ADLs) in three dimensions: two cognitive discourse functions (argue and compare) and source-based writing. -
Performance of the counterbalance systems in heavy industrial robots under cyclic operation
(IEEE, 2024)Industrial robot accuracy is limited in applications such as machining processes, mainly due to the relatively low stiffness of the joints. Deviations are caused by the weight of the links, external forces, inertias and ...