eBiltegia - Mondragon Unibertsitateko biltegi digitala
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Komunitateak eBiltegian
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Fast finite element based vibration response calculation procedure for permanent magnet synchronous machines
(IEEE, 2024)The vibration of the stator frame due to electromagnetic forces is one of the main noise and vibration sources of electric machines. In some applications, due to the wide variety of working conditions, magnetic circuit ... -
Towards a Probabilistic Fusion Approach for Robust Battery Prognostics
(PHM Society, 2024)Batteries are a key enabling technology for the decarbonization of transport and energy sectors. The safe and reliable operation of batteries is crucial for battery-powered systems. In this direction, the development of ... -
INKLUDIRE: Clasificación y validación de directrices para el Diseño Inclusivo de productos de consumo
(AEIPRO, 2024)This article introduces the INKLUDIRE Inclusive Design guidelines, a compilation aimed at facilitating the design of accessible consumer products. Its primary objective is to provide designers with an easily applicable ... -
Circular economy in Latin America and the Caribbean: Drivers, opportunities, barriers and strategies
(Elsevier, 2024)This study assesses for the first time the drivers, opportunities, barriers, and strategies for the transition to a circular economy in Latin America and the Caribbean through a comprehensive systematic review of the current ... -
Habilitando honeypots embebidos de alta interacción mediante emulaciones de firmware
(atlanTTic – Universidade de Vigo, 2023)Los sistemas embebidos aumentan en número y junto con esto también los ataques que los hacen objetivo. Para hacerles frente se ha desarrollado el análisis de firmware y creación de honeypots embebidos. El primero refuerza ...