eBiltegia - Mondragon Unibertsitateko biltegi digitala
Mondragon Unibertsitateko Biltegi digitalak unibertsitatean jarduera akademiko, ikertzaile eta instituzionalaren emaitza gisa sortutako dokumentuen testu osoa eskuratzeko aukera ematen du. Bere helburua da unibertsitateko ekoizpen zientifiko eta akademikoari ikusgarritasun handiagoa ematea, haren eragina handitzea eta haren babesa ziurtatzea, erakundearen Sarbide Irekiko politikak betez:
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Komunitateak eBiltegian
Erantsitako azken lanak
Steel design and high speed machining aspects in the transition from case hardening to induction hardening of automotive transmissions (MAC D)
(Publications Office of the European Union, 2016) -
Accounting and Partnerships for Poverty Alleviation in Energy Transition Business Models: A Comprehensive Review and Future Research Plan
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) -
A Cooperative Business Model for a Local Tourism Platform
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024) -
From taxonomy to boilerplate development of a minimum viable sharing platform
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea, 2024)This paper examines the development of digital platforms in the sharing economy, advocating a novel boilerplate-based approach for creating Minimum Viable Platforms (MVPs). It introduces a Business Model Taxonomy, allowing ... -
An Interactive Game-based Learning Framework with a Social Robot to Promote Well-being of Dyslexic Children
(2023)This paper presents the preliminary design and development of a generalized Child-Robot-Interaction framework involving interactive game-play between the socially assistive robot NAO and children with varying types of ...