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Socially Assistive Robots to aid learning of Reading Skills in Children with Dyslexia (poster)
(2022)Socially Assistive Robots are creating a revolution in today's era. They are being used in fields like healthcare, education, entertainment, services and more. In ‘Children with Special Needs’, robot-teacher combination ... -
Faster Evaluation of Dimensional Machine Performance in Additive Manufacturing by Using COMPAQT Parts
(MDPI, 2024)Knowing the tolerance interval capabilities (TICs) of a manufacturing process is of prime interest, especially if specifications link the manufacturer to a customer. These TICs can be determined using the machine performance ... -
Effect of Cutting Conditions on Surface Integrity when Robotic Drilling of Aluminum 6082-GFRP Stacks
(Elsevier, 2024)Six-axis robots are increasingly employed in manufacturing due to their excellent volume on cost ratio and extensive reach, facilitating the machining of large components, including those made of composites. However, this ... -
Analytical model to identify crack initiation in machined aluminium parts
(Elsevier, 2024)Thin-walled aluminium components used in the structure of aircrafts are subjected to fatigue loads. Fatigue performance of those components is affected by the surface integrity generated in the last machining step. This ... -
Haur eta gazte literatura. Irakur gida. 2023
(Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Humanitate eta Hezkuntza Zientzien Fakultatea, 2024)