Navigating the student entrepreneurial journey: Dynamics and interplay of resourceful and innovative behaviorDepartamentua
Estrategias avanzadas en gestión empresarialBertsioa
Bertsio argitaratua
@ Los autoresSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbusres.2024.114524Non argitaratua
Journal of Business Research Volume 174, March 2024, 114524Lehenengo orria
1Azken orria
Creatividad en los negocios
innovative work behavior ... [+]
Creatividad en los negocios
innovative work behavior ... [+]
Creatividad en los negocios
innovative work behavior
entrepreneurial education [-]
Creatividad en los negocios
innovative work behavior
entrepreneurial education [-]
One characteristic of nascent entrepreneurship is the need to innovate to achieve competitiveness and ensure the
survival of new ventures. Based on the individual perspectives of the Resource-Based V ... [+]
One characteristic of nascent entrepreneurship is the need to innovate to achieve competitiveness and ensure the
survival of new ventures. Based on the individual perspectives of the Resource-Based View and Entrepreneurial
Learning Theory, we propose a novel approach to expand our understanding of the dynamics and interplay
between resourceful behaviors (e.g. financial bootstrapping, bricolage, and improvisation) and innovative
behavior among student entrepreneurs during the development and exploitation stages. We used data from a
survey of two groups of student entrepreneurs in Spain, analyzed using advanced PLS-SEM procedures. Our
findings indicate that the link between financial bootstrapping and innovative behavior is driven by bricolage at
both stages, while improvisation does not moderate this relationship. Changes in innovative behavior and the
impact of resourceful behaviors are not significant in the stages analyzed. These results have implications for
enhancing the identification, integration, and use of resources for innovation amongst student entrepreneurs. [-]
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