Use of Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler for the Implementation of ETCS L3 and Other Innovative Rail ServicesAuthor
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https://ror.org/00vpq6g39Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
JIG Internet Consulting
Published version
© 2024 The AuthorsAccess
Open accessPublisher’s version
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-54049-3_19Published at
Intelligent Secure Trustable Things. Studies in Computational Intelligence Vol. 1147Publisher
During the last decades, rail transport has been characterized for having a long haul and slow developments. However, in the past years the different European Initiatives as Shift2Rail [1]Footnote1 or ... [+]
During the last decades, rail transport has been characterized for having a long haul and slow developments. However, in the past years the different European Initiatives as Shift2Rail [1]Footnote1 or ECSEL [2]Footnote2 have been able to include the last improvements and trend technologies to reach the current society needs for railways.
The irruption of new technologies (IoT, Cloud/Edge Computing and new V2X technologies) is increasing the number of devices connected due to the smartphones and vehicles connectivity developments. [-]
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