Data-based modelling of arrays of wave energy systems: Experimental tests, models, and validationEgilea
Egilea (beste erakunde batekoa)
Beste instituzio
Aalborg Universitet (Denmark)Politecnico di Torino
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
Bertsio argitaratua
© 2024 The AuthorsSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conengprac.2024.105949Non argitaratua
Control Engineering Practice Vol. 148, N. art. 105949. July, 2024Argitaratzailea
Wave EnergyData-based modelling
Control oriented models
Gaia (UNESCO Tesauroa)
Energia elektrikoaUNESCO Sailkapena
One of the key steps towards economic feasibility of wave energy conversion technology concerns scaling up to farms of multiple devices, in the attempt to reduce installation costs by sharing infrastr ... [+]
One of the key steps towards economic feasibility of wave energy conversion technology concerns scaling up to farms of multiple devices, in the attempt to reduce installation costs by sharing infrastructure, and a consequent drop in levelised cost of energy. Moreover, whenever wave energy systems are deployed in proximity (in so-called arrays), the exploitation of the hydrodynamic interactions between single devices is fully enabled, potentially increasing the final energy outcome. To achieve this in real (operational) time, the employed energy-maximising control strategies require control-oriented array models, able to efficiently describe the dynamics of these interconnected systems in a representative fashion. This can be, nonetheless, a difficult task when considering first principles alone, under small motion assumptions, for modelling purposes. Recognising the uncertainty associated to array numerical models obtained from the linearisation of simplified system equations around their equilibria, this paper presents models of several array configurations identified following a frequency domain approach on the basis of experimental data. Tailored tests on laboratory-scale devices have been designed and conducted in the Aalborg University (Denmark) wave tank facility, with the purpose of performing representative system identification of the wave energy systems arrays. The obtained models are validated on different representative sea states configurations, in controlled and uncontrolled motion operational conditions. The validation results are fully discussed and analysed in terms of standard error measures and time lag, while the obtained models are made freely accessible via a linked repository (named OCEAN), in the attempt to openly provide validated models for different array configurations. [-]
Comisión EuropeaComisión Europea
Horizon 2020Horizon 2020
Laguntzaren URIa
Moment-based nonlinear energy-maximising optimal control of wave energy systems to secure a renewable future (DESTINY)Innovative researchers training on clean and sustainable energy (E4F)
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