A Hierarchical Multilevel Modeling Framework for the Creation of High-Quality Solid Models in Parametric Feature-Based CAD SystemsBeste instituzio
Purdue UniversityUniversitat Jaume I
Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV)
Bertsio argitaratua
© 2025 U-turn Press LLCSarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.14733/cadaps.2025.229-244Non argitaratua
Computer-Aided Design and Applications Vol. 22. N. 2. Pp. 229-244, 2025Lehenengo orria
229Azken orria
U-turn PressGako-hitzak
parametric modeling methodologiesCAD quality
CAD reusability
ODS 9 Industria, innovación e infraestructura
Gaia (UNESCO Tesauroa)
Ordenagailu bidezko diseinuaUNESCO Sailkapena
Ordenagailu bidezko diseinuaLaburpena
Building on the premise that quality is a complex and multifaceted concept, we advocate for the structuring of the concept of quality in engineering design parametric CAD modeling by using three hiera ... [+]
Building on the premise that quality is a complex and multifaceted concept, we advocate for the structuring of the concept of quality in engineering design parametric CAD modeling by using three hierarchical levels. The goal is to successfully parse whether CAD models are usable, reusable, and semantically rich. Our classification results from emphasizing three sequential objectives that the models must accomplish: (1) being free from geometric and topological errors, (2) being modifiable without causing regeneration errors that may hinder reusability, and (3) being able to properly convey design intent while enabling design exploration and enabling CAD models to become digital twins. In this paper, we elaborate on the proposed framework and discuss its implications. Our grouping facilitates the matching of the six dimensions, which cover all aspects of CAD quality, with the two more commonly considered aspects of usability and reusability. Additionally, it highlights the fact that the third level is generally ignored and that the three aspects must be arranged and considered in a sequential manner. Finally, it opens the door to further advances in the automatic quantification of parametric CAD quality. [-]
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