Transdisciplinary humanities for social transformation: The Global Digital Humanities degree at Mondragon University AS FabrikEgilea (beste erakunde batekoa)
Ikerketa taldea
Kooperatibismoa eta gizarte-berrikuntzaCooperativismo e innovación social
Hezkuntza berrikuntza
Innovación educativa
Beste instituzio
Cornell UniversityBertsioa
Bertsio argitaratua
© The Author(s) 2024Sarbidea
Sarbide irekiaArgitaratzailearen bertsioa
https://doi.org/10.3167/latiss.2024.170102Non argitaratua
Learning and Teaching: The International Journal of Higher Education in the Social Sciences Lehenengo orria
1Azken orria
Berghahn JournalsGako-hitzak
AS Fabrik
Global Digital Humanities
Mondragon University
Social transformation ... [+]
Global Digital Humanities
Mondragon University
Social transformation ... [+]
AS Fabrik
Global Digital Humanities
Mondragon University
Social transformation
Urbanisation [-]
Global Digital Humanities
Mondragon University
Social transformation
Urbanisation [-]
Gaia (UNESCO Tesauroa)
The new degree in the Global Digital Humanities has been launched
by the Faculty of Humanities and Education at Mondragon University
on its new urban campus of Bilbao AS Fabrik. In a time of increas ... [+]
The new degree in the Global Digital Humanities has been launched
by the Faculty of Humanities and Education at Mondragon University
on its new urban campus of Bilbao AS Fabrik. In a time of increas-
ing urbanisation, universities must reflect on their relationship to
surrounding cities and regions and develop ways to incorporate the
urban and regional setting in their educational offerings. This BA
shows the value of a transdisciplinary Action Research approach
in facing complex social challenges and contributing to innovative
social transformations in the city and region. The new campus also
marks the beginning of an internal university process to develop
mutual knowledge and greater permeability between different degree
programmes in pursuit of a new organisational culture and practice
that moves beyond narrow disciplinary models. [-]
- Artikuluak - Hezkuntza [105]
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