Now showing items 11-20 of 27
A coupled 3D wear and fatigue numerical procedure: Application to fretting problems in ultra-high strength steel wires
(Elsevier Ltd., 2021)
This work presents a coupled 3D wear and fatigue numerical procedure for fretting problems in ultra-high strength steel wires that combines Archard’s wear equation with the Smith–Watson–Topper parameter to predict crack ...
Towards the automation of the die spotting process: Contact blue pattern decryption
(Elsevier Ltd., 2020)
Automotive die spotting is one of the most complex and least standardized processes in the tool making process. A spotting expert identifies local contact areas through a blue-paste pattern and the die/sheet contact is ...
The Interaction between the Sheet/Tool Surface Texture and the Friction/Galling Behaviour on Aluminium Deep Drawing Operations
(MDPI, 2021)
The increasing demands for lightweight design in the transport industry have led to an extensive use of lightweight materials such as aluminium alloys. The forming of aluminium sheets however presents significant challenges ...
Comparison of the hardening behaviour of different steel families : from mild and stainless steel to advanced high strength steels
(Elsevier Ltd., 2015)
Although steel has been used in vehicles from the automotive industry's inception, different steel gradesare continually being developed in order to satisfy new fuel economy requirements. For example,advanced high strength ...
Influence of the pressure dependent coefficient of friction on deep drawing springback predictions
(Elsevier Ltd., 2016)
The aim of this work is to show the influence of defining a pressure dependent friction coefficient onnumerical springback predictions of a DX54D mild steel, a HSLA380 and a DP780 high strength steel. Thepressure dependent ...
Elastic behaviour characterisation of TRIP 700 steel by means of loading-unloading tests
(Elsevier Ltd., 2015)
The elastic behaviour of TRIP 700 steel under plastic deformation is analysed. The analysis is carried out by means of classical tensile test and loading–unloading cyclic tests. These tests have been performed using high ...
New drawbead tester and numerical analysis of drawbeads closure force
(Springer, 2021)
Currently, a great deal of controversy exists regarding the real forces generated in drawbeads during sheet metal forming processes. The present work focuses on the analysis of the uplift force. First, a detailed literature ...
Sensitivity Analysis of Near Solidus Forming (NSF) Process with Digital Twin Using Taguchi Approach
(Springer Nature, 2024)
Forging at near solidus material state takes advantage of the high ductility of the material at the semi solid or soft-solid state while keeping most of the mechanical properties of a forged part. The technology is at ...
Numerical study of advanced friction modelling for sheet metal forming: influence of the die local roughness
(Elsevier Ltd., 2022)
Numerical simulation of sheet metal forming processes has become indispensable in the last decades. Although the complexity of the frictional behaviour is identified as a key factor for the prediction accuracy, the industry ...
Hardening prediction of diverse materials using the Digital Image Correlation technique
(Elsevier, 2018)
In recent years, due to the introduction of higher resistance materials in the automotive sector, sheet metal-forming tool-makers have been forced to deal with more challenging process designs. Therefore, the optimisation ...