Now showing items 1-3 of 3
A coupled 3D wear and fatigue numerical procedure: Application to fretting problems in ultra-high strength steel wires
(Elsevier Ltd., 2021)
This work presents a coupled 3D wear and fatigue numerical procedure for fretting problems in ultra-high strength steel wires that combines Archard’s wear equation with the Smith–Watson–Topper parameter to predict crack ...
The Interaction between the Sheet/Tool Surface Texture and the Friction/Galling Behaviour on Aluminium Deep Drawing Operations
(MDPI, 2021)
The increasing demands for lightweight design in the transport industry have led to an extensive use of lightweight materials such as aluminium alloys. The forming of aluminium sheets however presents significant challenges ...
New drawbead tester and numerical analysis of drawbeads closure force
(Springer, 2021)
Currently, a great deal of controversy exists regarding the real forces generated in drawbeads during sheet metal forming processes. The present work focuses on the analysis of the uplift force. First, a detailed literature ...