Now showing items 1-4 of 4
Study on the influence of the springback on the hole expansion ratio characterization
(Whioce Publishing, 2018)
Material formability has become one of the main problems, together with the springback, when stamping high
added-value components for the automotive industry. The pursuit of weight reduction has led to higher strength ...
On the accurate characterization of the drawbead up-lift forces
(IOP Publishing Ltd., 2018)
The competitiveness of the automotive sector has led to a high demand of accuracy and reduction in lead-time of the deep drawing tool making process. In that regard, the numerical simulation of the deep drawing process has ...
Drawbead uplift force analytical model for deep drawing operations
(IOP Publishing Ltd., 2018)
Drawbead uplift force calculation has been an open issue among the deep drawing tool maker and software developers in the last years. Starting from the original work of Stoughton (1988) many have been the models presented ...
Hardening prediction of diverse materials using the Digital Image Correlation technique
(Elsevier, 2018)
In recent years, due to the introduction of higher resistance materials in the automotive sector, sheet metal-forming tool-makers have been forced to deal with more challenging process designs. Therefore, the optimisation ...