Now showing items 1-10 of 15
Numerical simulation of U-Drawing test of Fortiform 1050 steel using different material models
(Elsevier Ltd., 2017)
Steel has been used in vehicles from the automotive industry's inception. Different steel grades are continually being developed
in order to satisfy new fuel economy requirements. For example, advanced high ...
Press hardening of alternative materials: conventional high- strength steels
(Springer Nature, 2017)
he increase in strength of new high strength steels(HHS) and advanced high strength steels (AHHS) has led toforming issues, such as high springback, low formability, increase of forming forces and tool wear. These problems ...
Study on the influence of the springback on the hole expansion ratio characterization
(Whioce Publishing, 2018)
Material formability has become one of the main problems, together with the springback, when stamping high
added-value components for the automotive industry. The pursuit of weight reduction has led to higher strength ...
Numerical simulation of the roll levelling of third generation fortiform 1050 steel using a nonlinear combined hardening material model
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017)
Elasto–plastic behavior of the third generation Fortiform 1050 steel has been analysed using cyclic tension–compression tests. At the same time, the pseudo elastic modulus evolution with plastic strain was analysed using ...
U-drawing of Fortiform 1050 third generation steels. Numerical and experimental results
(IOP Publishing Ltd, 2017)
Elasto–plastic behavior of the third generation Fortiform 1050 steel has been analysed using cyclic tension–compression tests. At the same time, the pseudo elastic modulus evolution with plastic strain was analysed using ...
Experimental and Numerical Simulation Investigation on Deep Drawing Process of Inconel 718 with and without Intermediate Annealing Thermal Treatments
(MDPI AG, 2020)
The aeronautical industry is moving from high-capacity large-airplane construction to low-capacity small-airplane construction. With the change in the production volume, there is a need for more e cient manufacturing ...
On the accurate characterization of the drawbead up-lift forces
(IOP Publishing Ltd., 2018)
The competitiveness of the automotive sector has led to a high demand of accuracy and reduction in lead-time of the deep drawing tool making process. In that regard, the numerical simulation of the deep drawing process has ...
Drawbead uplift force analytical model for deep drawing operations
(IOP Publishing Ltd., 2018)
Drawbead uplift force calculation has been an open issue among the deep drawing tool maker and software developers in the last years. Starting from the original work of Stoughton (1988) many have been the models presented ...
The influence of the kinematic hardening on the FEM simulation of Tension Levelling Process
(Elsevier Ltd., 2020)
Tension levelling is used in the steel industry to remove shape defects present in cold rolled strip. This technology is increasingly being employed by steel makers to level AHSS steels, because conventional roll levelers ...
The Interaction between the Sheet/Tool Surface Texture and the Friction/Galling Behaviour on Aluminium Deep Drawing Operations
(MDPI, 2021)
The increasing demands for lightweight design in the transport industry have led to an extensive use of lightweight materials such as aluminium alloys. The forming of aluminium sheets however presents significant challenges ...