Artikuluak-EnpresaEtaEkonomia: Envíos recientes
Mostrando ítems 1-20 de 21
Redefining the model: cooperatives in the just ecosocial transition paradigm
(Cátedra de Solidaridad y Ciudadanía Global de la Universidad de ZaragozaRed Española de Estudios de Desarrollo (REEDES), 2025)This study examines the integration of cooperativism within the just ecosocial transition paradigm, addressing the urgent need for sustainable and equitable economic development. It analyses the alignment of cooperative ... -
Perception of Gen Y and Z on Bank’s Financial Performance: Exploring Managerial Capabilities and Digital Innovation
(Academic Conferences International, 2024)The inception of digitalization has transformed many organizations. Presently, personal and professional lives are difficult to fathom without the utilisation of digital technologies. For organisations, digital innovation ... -
Una mirada comparativa de la gestión de las crisis en la Unión Europea
(FUNCAS, 2023)Este estudio analiza las respuestas de la Unión Europea a dos crisis económicas: la crisis de deuda soberana y la crisis derivada del COVID-19. Se evidencia un cambio en el enfoque de la UE en la gestión de la ... -
Managers’ assessment of organizational performance. The role of perceived organizational commitment and HPWS in different ownership contexts
(Taylor & Francis, 2023)The purpose of this paper is to examine managers’ perceptions of employee organizational commitment as a key mechanism through which High Performance Work Systems influence organizational performance. Additionally, we ... -
Understanding the characteristics of work that foster workplace well-being in an apprenticeship programme and their effects on apprentices' employability. Exploring the gender moderation effect
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023)This study seeks to show whether workplace experience (WE) in an apprenticeship programme affects the duration of joblessness among recent university graduates and to determine the antecedents that support a workplace ... -
¿En qué medida ayudan los estados de información no financiera a medir la aportación a los objetivos de desarrollo sostenible de las empresas? El caso de las empresas de Gipuzkoa.
(Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU), 2024-01-11)Las grandes empresas españolas están obligadas a presentar Estados de Información No Financieros (EINF) desde la publicación de la Ley 11/2018. Estos informes recogen información relevante sobre el nivel de sostenibilidad ... -
Is Team Entrepreneurial Orientation important in generating creative business ideas? The moderating role of team-perceived heterogeneity and the individual creative mindset
(Cognitione' Foundation for the Dissemination of Knowledge and Science, 2023)PURPOSE: The study aims to unveil if Team Entrepreneurial Orientation (TEO) facilitates identification of creative market opportunities understood as novelty and quality business ideas. Entrepreneurial Orientation (EO) has ... -
Relación entre valores cooperativos y la RSC. Caso Corporación Mondragon
(CIRIEC-España, 2022)La contribución de las cooperativas vascas a su comunidad desde diversos ángulos es un hecho patente desde hace décadas. La responsabilidad social está presente en su ADN, estableciéndose desde sus orígenes y, con el ... -
A pricing model to monetize your industrial data
(Frontiers, 2023)Data monetization has become a relevant aspect of the industrial manufacturing. Consequently, this paper proposes a theoretical framework as well as a mathematical model to price industrial data. For this purpose, three ... -
A methodology for performance assessment at system level—Identification of operating regimes and anomaly detection in wind turbines
(Elsevier, 2023)In the growing wind energy sector, as in other high investment sectors, the need to make assets profitable has put the spotlight on maintenance. Efficient solutions which leverage from condition or performance based ... -
Las Junior Cooperativas en la Nueva Ley de Cooperativas de Euskadi
(Universidad del País Vasco (UPV)/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU), 2022)La Ley 11/2019, de 20 de diciembre, de Cooperativas de Euskadi ha incluido en su regulación a las junior cooperativas como un nuevo tipo de cooperativas señalando que estas «merecen identificación y regulación específicas». ... -
Platform Coops Now!: A Team Entrepreneurship Capacity Building Program to create Platform Coops
(Universidad del País Vasco (UPV)/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (EHU), 2021)Traditional labour relationships have been disrupted due to the digital platforms based businesses. This article aims on the one hand to share the consequences the sharing economy has generated for workers, and how MONDRAGON’s ... -
Evolution of Servitization: New Business Model Opportunities
(Universitat Politècnica de València, 2022)The concept of Servitization has been constantly developing since its outset, but in the last decade due to the irruption of Industry 4.0, the complexity of the concept and its typologies of value propositions have evolved ... -
Diferencia en las percepciones sobre las prácticas de gestión de personas entre mano de obra directa e indirecta. Estudio de caso de una cooperativa de MONDRAGON
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2022)El principal objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar, basándose en la teoría AMO, las diferencias en las percepciones de las personas trabajadoras de mano de obra directa e indirecta con respecto a las prácticas ... -
El proceso de institucionalización de la experiencia cooperativa
(Servicio Editorial de la Universidad del País Vasco Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko Argitalpen Zerbitzua, 2018)El presente artículo explica los rasgos institucionales que han caracterizado a la Experiencia Cooperativa Mondragón (ECM) desde su creación y los elementos institucionales más relevantes que la constituyen. Para ello, ... -
Employee Perceptions About Participation in Decision-Making in the COVID Era and Its Impact on the Psychological Outcomes: A Case Study of a Cooperative in MONDRAGON (Basque Country, Spain)
(Frontiers, 2022)This research aims to study possible effects or impacts of COVID-19 in the context of a democratic organizational system analyzing how COVID-19 has influenced employees’ perception of their participation in decision-making ... -
Worker Involvement and Performance in Italian Social Enterprises: The Role of Motivations, Gender and Workload
(MDPI, 2022)Over the past two decades, organizational sustainability has been studied from several different perspectives, such as marketing, governance, strategy, and human resource management (HRM). However, sustainability framed ... -
The link between HIWPs and well-being at work: the mediating role of trust
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021)Purpose – This paper examines the extent to which investment in human capital (HC) influences employee well-being, focusing on companies in the Basque Country in Northern Spain. Specifically, it analyzes the effects of ... -
Aligning regional and business strategies: Looking inside the Basque Country entrepreneurial innovation ecosystem
(Wiley, 2020)The current socio-economic scenarios have generated several challenges for any organization. Regional authorities have designed policies that combine supply–demand needs and innovative entrepreneurship programs. The alignment ... -
Barne-komunikazioa kooperatibetan: entzunak sentitzen dira langileak? Kasu-azterketa MONDRAGONen
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2018)Barne-komunikazioa erabakigarria da arrakastadun erakundeetan; izan ere, eragiten du, besteak beste, langileen motibazioan, parte-hartzean eta produktibitatean. Halere, kontuan izan behar dugu barne-komunikazioaren praktika ...