13-tik 1-10 emaitza erakusten
Hibridazio metodologiaren esperimentazioa euskarazko komunikabide batean
(Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2019)
Hibridazioa da ekonomia arloan gero eta gehiago erabiltzen ari diren berrikuntzarako
metodologia bat. Elkarrekin inolako zerikusirik ez daukaten bi edo hiru enpresa edo sektore
elkartzen dira, produktu berritzaile bat ...
La comunicación interna en las cooperativas: la percepción de las personas trabajadoras sobre la escucha y la información
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019-02-18)
El objetivo principal de este trabajo de investigación es conocer las percepciones y expectativas de las personas trabajadoras de una cooperativa del Grupo MONDRAGON sobre la comunicación interna. Se ha puesto especial ...
Instrumentos de rendición de cuentas externos a los medios los casos de Andalucía y la CAPV
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2019)
Este artículo analiza los instrumentos de rendición de cuentas externos a los medios en Andalucía y la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco (CAPV), que serían los siguientes: asociaciones de espectadores; colegios, sindicatos ...
Perceived Effectiveness of Established and Innovative Media Accountability Instruments in Spain. Comparative Analysis in Andalusia, Euskadi, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid and Valencia
(Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 2020)
The perceived effectiveness of established and innovative media accountability instruments is analyzed in Andalusia, Euskadi, Catalonia, Galicia, Madrid and Valencia, and by means of a survey conducted among journalists, ...
Analysis of professional perceptions relating to the effectiveness of codes of ethics for journalists in Spain
(Emerald Publishing Limited, 2020-05-04)
The methodology used in the present study is based on quantitative content analysis using the survey technique. This technique makes it possible to obtain empirical data on various key aspects of the profession that are ...
Reconciling the Places Where We Live with the Spaces We Inhabit: Construction of a Communicative Space for Basque Based on a Local Media Network
(Boise State University, 2018)
The aim of this research is to give a detailed description of local media working in Basque language, hence, providing a backdrop for other minority language local media. Our approach is to offer data based on a questionnaire ...
Barne-komunikazioa kooperatibetan: entzunak sentitzen dira langileak? Kasu-azterketa MONDRAGONen
(Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea (UEU), 2018)
Barne-komunikazioa erabakigarria da arrakastadun erakundeetan; izan ere, eragiten du, besteak beste, langileen motibazioan, parte-hartzean eta produktibitatean. Halere, kontuan izan behar dugu barne-komunikazioaren praktika ...
Youth interaction with television and online video content in the digital age
(Universidade de Aveiro, 2018)
This article examines the relationship of university students with television and online video content. Convergence processes in many areas during the digital age have significantly changed both audiovisual content consumption ...
Eskualduna astekariko kideak eta laguntzaileak
(Euskaltzaindia, 2020)
Dozenaka lagunek parte hartu zuten Eskualduna astekarian, gisa batez edo bestez. Orain
arte agertutako izen zerrendatik harago, ez zen xehetasun handirik kide gehienei buruz. Kide
horien sorterriak, sortegunak, lanak, ...
Leisure activities, creative actions and emotional creativity
(Elsevier Ltd, 2022)
The general objective of this study was to assess the relationships between leisure, emotional creativity, creative actions, and self-perceptions about creative performances. The sample included 542 participants aged between ...